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(I'm probably going to put my favorite amvs up here. This is one of my favorites, please enjoy and go check out ThatOnePerson on youtube who made this vid.)

@Via_the_writer19 said:

I ship it! Especially Frans :3I have a question for everybody: have you liked someone before? If you have, tell us who they were!(This is going to be a great book, btw. I can just tell!)

Mittens: "Thanks. I was kind of worried nobody would even find this story. But moving on with the question, Sans?"

Sans: "Uh..." *Looks everywhere but Frisks while awkwardly chuckling*

Chara: "Well, Frisk?" *Smiles knowingly at Frisk*

Frisk: "Yep! I used to have a crush on someone before I fell, we even dated for a while but that didn't end very well." 

Chara: *Face palms* "I think they meant someone we all would actually know." 

Asriel: "Yeah, Frisk! Anyone we know? ANYONE AT ALL?" *Gives a quick glance at Sans then back at Frisk*

Frisk: *Catches on to what they were hinting at.* "I guess I had a small crush on paps when I first fell, but that was because he's so adorable!" 

Sans: *Eyes darkens*

Chara:"Um... Last time I checked, I was able to read your thoughts when I was still stuck to your soul and you had a crush on a different skeleton. Like a big crush." *Wiggles her eyebrows at Frisk*

Sans: *His white pinpricks reappear* "Wait... What?" *Starts slightly blushing*

Frisk: "Uhhh... I did... It was..." *Starts turning the color of Chara's eyes*

Kris and Asriel: *In the background laughing their butts off*

Frisk:  I can't tell him the truth... it would make things really awkward... *Gains a light bulb moment* "I had a crush on Brook from One piece! I know I'm a weird person to have a crush on someone who doesn't exist but he made really good puns!" 

Kris: *Spits out the moss he was just eating*

Asriel: "What...? Who the heck is that?"

Chara: "Goddammit, Frisk! I knew I shouldn't of let you watch that anime with Alphys..." *Face palms*

Sans: *Quickly snatches up his phone and looks the other skeleton up*

(I was just watching One Piece so this was the first other skeleton besides Sans and Papyrus that came to mind

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(I was just watching One Piece so this was the first other skeleton besides Sans and Papyrus that came to mind. Don't worry, things that will make you guys very happy will eventually happen depending on your questions and dares... =]p)

Sans: *Shows the rest of the group the picture* 

Ralsei: "How is it possible for him to have an afro?" 

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