Smash Ultimate on Crack

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Ka_rainbowpower said:

'I dare you guys to have a pillow fight and let me join.' 

Kris: Sure, I'll get the others. *Gets up and heads downstairs*

-Downstairs in the living room- 

Kris: *Yeets a pillow at a sleeping Chara* We have been dared to have pillow fight with one of the askers, so get up!

Asriel: *Rubs eyes* Sure... *Grabs a pillow and weakly throws it at Ralsei*

Ralsei: *Had been previously sleep and jumped up about a foot in the air* 

Chara: KRIS, IF YOU THREW THAT AT ME I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR FREAKING SOUL. *Sits up and glares knives at Kris*

-Sans and Frisk walked into the room-

Sans: What on Earth are you kids doing in here...? *Rubbing his head from his hangover*

Asriel: A pillow fight apparently... *Yawns*

Sans: A wha-

Frisk: *Rams a pillow into Sans' head from behind sending him to face plant on the floor*

Sans: ...kid, you are seriously going to regret that...

Frisk: *Giggling like a crazy person*

Chara: Frisk, you're on my team, because I like your enthusiasm! *Gets up and grabs a pillow, death glaring Kris the whole time*

Ralsei: What's a pillow fight?

Kris: You're about to find out. By the way, Asriel just for throwing a pillow at Ralsei, I have a present for you!

Asriel: *Drowsily* Oh really, lil bro...? What is it- *Gets smacked in the face with a pillow*

Sans: *Slowly standing up whilst holding his head*

Chara: Hey!! *Throws a pillow at Kris*

Ralsei: Wait a second, guys- Is this really necessary? Can't we just talk this out...?

Asriel: Ok, Chara I'm on you and Frisk's team. *Gets up glaring at Kris*

Sans: If we're doing teams, we need to decide right now.

Chara: Alright, it's me, Frisk, Asriel, and whoever else wants to join our team.

Kris: Me, uh Ralsei if he wants, and Sans?

Sans: Sure. *Walks over to them*

Mittens: Wait, before you guys start beating each other up- *Walks in quickly with Ka_rainbowpower behind her* We've got to join too. 

Chara: Who's that?

Mittens: This is the asker who told you guys to have a pillow fight. They'll also be joining. 

Frisk: I like your blue hair! It looks pretty!

Ka_rainbowpower: Thanks!

Kris: So who's team do you want to join?

Mittens: I guess I'll join yours because I really want an excuse to hit Chara. *Glares at her*

Chara: What did I ever do to you, neko? *Puts her hands on her hips*

Mittens: ...Seriously...?

Asriel: *Picks up a pillow and points it at Sans* My name is Asriel Dreemurr. You killed my Chara. Prepare to die.

Sans: Bring it on, flower boy. *Avoids a pillow thrown at him*

Ka_rainbowpower: THIS IS SPARTA-!! *Throws a pillow at Kris*

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