My Secret Mission

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(Go check out whec 227 on youtube!)

Mittens: "I think the others are quite happy that they haven't gotten any dares yet, but I'm sure they will soon... The reason is 'cause I have decided to give you guys dare and ask fuel by showing what they do in their free time. Call me a stalker all you want, but I call it being a secret agent working on a secret mission with you guys being the ones giving me the mission." *Retrieves her camera*

Frisk: *Watching the amv at the top while singing along*

Chara: *Watching with amusement as Frisk actually does a not half bad job at singing it*

Sans: *In the other room*

Mittens: *Recording* "Hey Sans, can you come into the living room?"

Sans: "Someone finally asked something?" 

Mittens: "It's only been 5 days, and no. Just want you to come grab something." 

Sans: *Sighs and walks into the room with Mittens following behind*

Frisk: "(1:11) Now dance, fucker, dance!! Man, I never had a chance. And no one even knew it was really only you! And now you lead the way, show the light of day. Nice work you did. *Pumps fist into the air* "You're gonna go far, kid!" *Notices Sans' entrance and pauses the video*

Chara: "What do you want, Comedian?" *Starts laughing slightly at Sans*

Sans: *Sans.exe is currently not running. Try again?*

Mittens: "Did he switch places with Error at some point?" *Holds camera over him*

Frisk: "SANS!!!? WHAT HAPPENED!!!?" *Starts freaking out*

Chara: *Whispers to Mittens and the camera* "I guess he agrees that Frisk is a very good singer. You know seeing as how he's standing there like an idiot." 

Sans: *Staring at where Frisk currently was sitting with a blue face*

Mittens: "Whelp ya'll have fun, I'm outta here." *Walks up the stairs*

Chara: "Can't handle of few sentences, eh? You're definitely not gonna go far." *Standing in front of Sans while laughing*

Frisk: "I BROKE HIM!!!!" *Starts crying*


Mittens: "Ralsei, Asriel what are you guys making?" *Points towards the hidden object in the oven*

Ralsei: "A butterscotch cake. Asriel suggested we combined what we each know how to make. I'm excited to see how it turns out!" 

Asriel: "I wonder what Chara'll think of it. Mom's butterscotch cinnamon pie was her favorite afterall." *Looks towards the stairs Mittens came up*

Kris: *Walks in eating a piece of moss* "Is someone making pie?"

Ralsei: "Nope! We're making butterscotch cake!" *Eyes the moss in Kris's mouth* "I see you're continuing the cycle?" 

Kris: *Nearly chokes on it* "*Cough* I dunno what your talking about." 

Ralsei: *Remembers their time in the cell, and shakes his head*

Mittens: "What if you put in some moss? It might add a tangy flavour." 

Kris: "I know where to get an extra supply!!"

Asriel: "(What the heck is wrong with this guy?)"

Ralsei: "Uh... Maybe another time? We already have it in the oven." 

Kris: *Nods* "I guess that makes sense."

 Mittens: "Well you guys have fun with that, I got to go for now!" *Heads towards her bedroom*

Asriel: "I wonder what moss tastes like."

Kris: "Want to try some?" *Holds out a box*

Ralsei: "Where do you keep finding this stuff?! Do you keep going back to that cell just to get the moss?!" 

Kris: "No, I just go to the pond in the backyard." 

Ralsei: *Looks shooketh* 

Asriel: "Yeah, no I'm good thank you." *Tries not to vomit*

In her bedroom:

Mittens: "Well that was what everyone does in their free time. If your curious about me, seeing as how June 11th was the last day I had to turn in any schoolwork I've just been watching youtube, reading other wattpad stories, and going out for little hikes in the woods behind my house. That's about all, I hope the craziness that is these idiot's downtime activities helps you guys come up with stuff to torture them with." 


Frisk: "SANS!! PLEASE BE OK!!" *Shakes him back and forth violently*

Sans: *Finally comes to* "Huh... What happened, kiddos?" 

Chara: *In the corner dying of laughter* 

Frisk: *Hugs him really tightly* "Thanks goodness your ok!! I dunno what I would do without you, Sans!!" 

Sans: *Starts turning the color of his jacket* "Uh... Don't... Know what... Uh... Happened kid..."

Chara: "Frisk was singing and you what we assume fainted." *Continued laughing*

Sans: "S-sorry kiddo..." *Starts practically melting*

Frisk: "It's fine!!! I'm just glad your ok!!" *Hugs him even tighter*

(Until next time guys!)

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