9| The pervert demon

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It's hard to believe I'm hanging from the wall by arms which are chained up. Harper is beside me looking so angry.

The worst part is we're in our underwear.

The little girl is dancing around with our clothes in her grip and a wide grin on her face.

"I knew we shouldn't have come here,"Harper growls through clenched teeth.

I sigh and bow my head.

A set of footsteps echo throughout out the silent room and we're face to face with the pumpkin man again.

"Sorry I didn't get to introduce myself,"he grins. "You can call me Ed... I'm sorry we set off on the wrong foot... But I knew you wouldn't surrender your clothes."

"Why don't you stop apologizing and let us go shameless pervert,"Harper mutters.

He cackles and picks at his nails. "You didn't put up much of an effort."

"Effort? Why don't you unchain me and allow me show you the meaning of effort!"I yell. "It's not like you gave us a chance after making us pass out with your bloody sleeping gas!"

His glowing eyes narrow. "Now, now... If I were you I would keep my mouth shut... You have no idea who you're talking to."

"Why don't you show me... you son of a--"

"Penny stop trying to be like me and shut up,"Harper mutters.

I turn to her. "I'm not trying to be like you... I'm just mad."

She rolls her eyes. "I'm pissed off too but you don't see me yelling... This isn't a matter of sticking it to the man... It's a matter of survival... You don't know what this guy is capable of... So stop being a loose cannon."

For the first time Harper is acting smart and I feel like congratulating her for it but there's no time.

"Smart little girl,"he grins. "But unfortunately it's time for the torture stage."

"The what?"



"It's been more than an hour... How long does it take a girl to pee?,"Thomas asks for the second time.

"Go ask one,"I reply and stuff a piece of Cotton candy into my mouth.

"Should we go look for them?"he asks.

"In where... The girl's bathroom?"

He rolls his eyes. "What if they're in trouble?"

I toss the sugar coated stick away. "Fine,"I mutter.

We walk through the entire carnival trying to spot any normal looking people. I'm pretty sure we try every game and all types of food we pass by not minding the kind of monster serving it. The food here isn't bad at all, although it looks pretty weird. But all I'm seeing is zombies, nimbuses and the rest of the population.

After an hour of searching I'm exhausted. There's no sign of them anywhere.

Could there be something wrong.

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