15| A night out

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"I'm glad I died early,"Circe laughs. "The stories I've been hearing from the survivors are quite traumatizing."

"Have you by any chance seen Harper or Oliver?..."

"No I haven't... But you can always go visit."

"Doesn't it seem too early? Would I look desperate?"

"It's been 16 hours since we rose from the dead... I don't think you would look too desperate."

"16 hours already? What's the time?"

"It's nearly ten in the night."

I get up and nod. "First I need to take a shower."

"I'll be at Zoe's cabin if you need me."

"Don't you have to shower too?"

"I can shower at her place."

I raise an eyebrow. "Slap those dirty thoughts out of your head,"she asserts.

I giggle. "I'm just glad to have you back."

She rolls her eyes and exits the cabin. I walk into the bathroom and undress then hop into the shower.

I spend an hour washing off all the dirt and sweat and promise myself never to wear those clothes again.

I turn off the shower and wrap my fluffy towel around me. I exit the bathroom and dry myself up.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in!"I yell.

The door opens and Oliver steps in. Without thinking I run up to him and give him a tight hug completely forgetting I'm in nothing but a towel.

"I'm so happy you're okay,"I smile.

"Yeah... Same here,"he replies and hugs me back. "I just came to check on you."

"Is Harper Okay?"I ask.

"Yeah... She's been making noise all over camp."

"Typical Harper,"I chuckle.

"I'm so tired,"he sighs. "I need to get some sleep."

"Yeah... You went through a lot."

"So did you."

He cups my cheeks in his hands and leans closer to me. His face is inches away from mine and I hope the sound of my heart thumping against my rib cage isn't distinct.

"Goodnight Penny,"he kisses my forehead and lets go of me before leaving the cabin.

"Oliver Ryan just kissed me!"I scream and jump around feeling like I've accomplished all my greatest goals.

I literally don't feel sleepy at all because I took a very long nap earlier.

So I keep on jumping around. "I can't believe that just happened,"I squeal. "After this I'll sleep in his cabin and we'll go on our first date and have our first kiss and get married and have kids and also a pet hamster named Humphrey who has a medical condition that hinders him from breathing too well and then we'll grow old and...,"I sigh. I'm talking to myself.

This is sad.

I pick up the box of tampons or blood suckers as they would refer to it as. I open the the box and flinch but nothing jumps out yet.

I reach in and take out a pack before opening it up. "Doesn't look harmful."

About to unwrap my towel I get a whiff of a familiar scent and turn around to see Sebastian staring at me. "Sebastian!"I scream and jump on him leaving us both startled. We're in a terribly awkward position. I'm directly on top of him while his arms are wrapped around my waist. Although I'm thanking God my towel didn't make any drastic movements.

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