6|Who are you?

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The name won't stop playing in my head.

S. Fitzgerald.

"Do you know who that is?"I ask Harper.

"Obviously not,"she replies with a mouthful of cake.

The cafeteria is nice. It's like a normal school cafeteria but a lot bigger and with weird food options. I can swear I saw a tentacle move around in Circe's pudding. It seems that's the kind of food some people like here. It's hard to find something a normal human would eat so I end up with water for breakfast.

A good looking guy passes by our table and winks at us. I can't seem to hold back an eye roll. "Who is he?"Harper asks looking intrigued.

"That's Matt... He's like... a demon,"Hycenth, her roommate replies. The girl is a pale blonde with red eyes. "He doesn't seem so demonic right now,"Harper points out.

"Obviously because he's in human form,"I reply her. "Since when did you start knowing stuff?"she laughs.

I roll my eyes and scan the room for Oliver but I can't seem to find him anywhere. "I can't wait for tonight,"Harper squeals.

"You know the point of tonight is not getting too excited."

"I don't care about that holiness badge, I just can't wait to see the hottie I was paired up with,"she says. "A bunch of girls already told me Tommy is a werepire with class,"she smirks.

"Why does no one have any information about S. Fitzgerald guy?" Immediately everyone in the room turns to me.

I glance around and place a hand over my mouth. "Did I say something wrong?"

"I hear Fitzgerald isn't like one to be around,"Hycenth says. I notice she has the habit of adding like to her sentences.

"Are you serious?"

"He should be like, a demon or a werepire,"she adds. Hm... I've started looking forward to this.

"Someone tipped me off earlier... About one of the grimoires,"Circe utters with an undertone of furtiveness.

"What's the news?"

"One of the books is in the kingdom of trolls."


"What are you two whispering about?"Harper asks nearly poking her ear into my mouth. "I'm finding a way to get us out of here,"I reply and push her head away.

"Geez, we just got here... Is there something you desperately need to attend to in Seattle?"

"You don't even know what this place is Harper... We could even still be dreaming."

"I'm positive that we're not because I slap myself every hour... And I feel quite awake."

I don't know why I'm the only one that actually cares about going back to our home. Even Oliver seemed so relaxed about this.

"As I was saying,"Circe continues. "I can take you there if you'd like... But if you're going to speak with the troll king, you'll need to complete a task."

"What's the task?"

"It depends on what the king says."

"Well... I don't wanna face them alone."

I turn to Harper hoping I can fool her. "Harper... Wanna see some trolls?"


"Great!"I stand and walk towards the exit. Probably Oliver didn't even bother coming for breakfast.

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