1|The hoodie boy

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It's a sunny day by the pool side at the Foster residence. I decide to soak up the sun and get a mesmerizing tan while Harley tells me about her huge wardrobe incident in one of our cheer routines.

But what catches my eye is shirtless Jonah marching down to me with a shrimp cocktail gripped in his right hand and a smug smirk on his face, looking as hot as ever.

Before I know it Oliver steps in. A towel is wrapped firm around his waist and drops of water race down his perfectly tanned chest. He pushes Jonah into the pool and walks up to me.

Harley gasps and puts on her shades for our privacy.

"May I have this kiss?"he asks as I gaze into his icy blue eyes.

"Yes Oliver! A thousand times-"


I snap out of my thoughts to discover it's just another rainy day in H.B Hampshire as water splutters heavily against the closed windows. The chatter of gossip and sex talk fills the cordial atmosphere.

Yet all I can contribute is to helplessly daydream about my secret but sexy crush. Oliver Ryan. With his ineffable ear piercings and mesmerizing blue eyes.

Just take me!


I turn to Jonah half angry that Oliver is gone and half guilty that I'm angry at my boyfriend.


He raises an eyebrow so I smile and poke his nose. "Sorry I was kind of... distracted."

"By what?"

About to reply, my eyes land on Oliver at the table behind us, playing grape toss with his friends. I rest my face on my palm and giggle. "So hot."

"What's so hot?"

"It's you," I reply Jonah like the reflexed liar that I am. But he doesn't look convinced in anyway at all.

Jonah is honestly the sweetest boyfriend ever and I would admit any day that I've taken him for granted too many times. He's hot, popular and dreamy. But utterly devoid of a British accent and frosty blue orbs. "Why aren't you British?"I ask subconsciously.


"Anyway, I'm looking forward to our anniversary date." I swiftly digress the conversation.

"Me too," he smirks. "This will be the best one yet."

The bell rings for class and I feel a sudden tug on my arm. Before I can tell Jonah goodbye I'm dragged away by a person with nerdy glasses and a hoodie.

I'm pulled out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom some doors away.

The person turns to me and takes off the hoodie to reveal Harley's black hair and apprehensive expression. "First of all... is my lip gloss still pretty?"

I nod in confusion.

"Okay, now about what's so urgent," she begins and takes off the glasses before folding it unto her shirt. "It's about Bennet Coleman."


Bennett Coleman is the epitome of mystery. He's never uttered a word since he got here as a transfer. He would only raise a hand during role calls and walk out of class everytime he was asked a question. Yet he never got in trouble for it. So creepy. But what really gets me is his hoodie and those round framed glasses. I've never gotten a true glimpse of his face with that hood on his head and those tinted lenses. He would never take them off. So we all consider him a weird and really antisocial nerd.

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