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(Y/n) POV
After we left the office, we split ways. As me and Toga walked towards our dorm room, I say, "Toga, how do you feel about this whole rehab thing?" She turns towards me and says,"I don't know... I don't hate it, but it's so boring, you don't get any freedom." I sigh."I'm starting to miss Mr. Handyman." We both giggle at what I just said. But then, just as we reached our dorm, a girl comes towards us. Then, the whole class comes this way. I protectively stand in front of Toga. "What do you want?" I seeth, glaring at them. A girl with a high ponytail looks at us and says "There are villains in the dorms!" The brunnete glared at me and said."It's all your fault!" Me and Toga exchanged glances. "SHIGGYYYYYYYYY!!!" We scream at the same time. Me and Toga push past the crowd only to see the teachers fighting them.

"I. Hate. You." The whole league was in a side apartment that the heroes built for us. The entire league was put in rehab. Spinner was in the corner moping because they had took his giant sword away. Shiggy got all his hands taken away except for the one on his face. "You're just salty 'cause they took your hand away." I shot back. "Yeah," Toga quipped."The only reason that they didn't take your face-hand away was because your face was too crusty." I see Dabi and Deku stifling laughs. Toga walks towards them and lowers her voice. "What are YOU laughing for?" Both of them jump up and awkwardly back away. Around 5 minutes later, a Pinkette comes in with the same redhead that Toga was screaming at. "Hey!"The Pinkette yells. All of us turn towards the door. the girl gives us a huge smile. "Hi, I'm Mina Ashido. I'm here to help apologize for our classmates, sorry if they seemed so rude..." I stare at her shocked. She looks at me. "Hmm? Did I say something wrong?" I quickly look away."I'm so sorry, I was just shocked. I didn't realize I was staring!" "Oh, okay." Ashido says. Toga pokes Ashido on the shoulder. "Who's that?" She says. She was glaring at the guy who she had previously threatened. "Oh, that's Eijiro Kirishima." Toga stomps towards him. I wince, expecting Toga to go in a screaming rage but instead, she just hisses at him. "*Sigh*. My life sucks."

Haiiiiii, I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, schools just stressful these days. Anyway I have 2 announcements/questions.
1. I WANT to add a ship in here, but IDK which one.
2. Both me and my brother want to watch Demon Slayer so we're having a contest. Comment who you think will win!

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