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(I apologize for not updating for so long since we've hit chapter 20 for my terrible book, I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that read this.) \(o0w0o)/

I woke up feeling sick.

"I don't wanna go to school," I whined. "Let me stay home in peeeeaaaaaace."

"No. You have to tell the teacher first." Deku said as he dabbed my forehead with a cold washcloth.

"Do I haaaaave toooooo?" I asked.



"You're sick?" Mr. Aizawa demanded

"Sadly," I replied.

He started dancing around the room. 



"Hey, have you heard? This school has seven wonders. You haven't? Then I'll tell you about one of them. The most famous story is the seventh of the seven wonders. Hanako-san of the Bathroom. She haunts the third stall of the third-floor girl's bathroom, in the old school building. She'll grant you a wish but she'll take something precious from you in return. If you want to summon her, knock on the door three times. Then, say the words 'Hanako-San, Hanako-San, are you there?'"

"Really?" I asked. 

I had recovered from my fever a day ago. 

"Yep." The boy- Shinso- replied.

"Ok, I'm gonna go summon her now.

I briskly walked over to the third-floor girl's bathroom.

'Wait a minuuuute..." I thought to myself. 'That sounded really familiar.

That was when it hit me.

"sOrE dE wA sAa kAtArImAsHoU kA No.7" I screeched at the top of my lungs.

(And yes, I'm listening to this on repeat while I'm writing. This is one of my favorite OP's. ovo)

I ran back to the guy who had told me about it.

"HEY, YOU! STOP!" I yelled.

He turned around.

"Did you have fun summoning the ghost?" He asked, unamused.


"Um, yeah?" He replied, confused.

"WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER?" I asked. "MINE IS (Character name, preferably Hanako)!"

"Mine is (Same character name as you) too!" He said, excited.


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