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I slowly crept out from behind the corner, poised in a fighting stance.

I could see approximately 7 people there.

'Hmm, I should be able to take them all out...' I thought.


"T-two quirks?"

"Yes, 2 quirks."

I already know about your impact reversal, but what's the second one?"

The name of the quirk is 'Shadow Servant.'"

"Shadow servant?"

"Yep. I can basically summon shadows that can fight for me. Attacks won't hurt them and they can turn into pretty much everything."

"Doesn't that mean that it's really strong?" 


"Then why don't you use it?"

"It's extremely dangerous and the shadows can retaliate at any time. Plus, I can't really control it."

"Can't you train it? I can help you!"

"No, no, no, Toga you don't understand."


"This was the exact thing that ruined my life."


'I really didn't want to use this...' I thought. 'But I have to.'

I  picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it. 

It hit Overhaul in the eye.

He hissed in pain and outrage.

His men quickly turned around.

'Now!' I thought.

I quickly summoned a shadow.

It was in a vaguely humanoid shape, and around 8 feet tall.

"Go," I commanded. "Take them down."

The shadow slid down the hall, completely silent.

5 of the seven people had started to come after us and all of them stopped in their tracks right after they saw the shadow.

The shadow suddenly picked up speed and absorbed all 5 of them.

The sixth, who was standing next to overhaul, started to run towards the shadow, but he was absorbed as well.

Overhaul glared at the shadow.

With one fluid movement, he pulled his glove off and sent a spike barreling toward the shadow.

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