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(Yeeeeaah... Remember how I said that I would- um- "Update every day"? Well. OBVIOUSLY, it isn't working.  I'll still update though.)

"Tell me how you broke your leg and sprained your wrist again?"

"I already told you a million times, I fell." I sighed, my leg in a cast.

"I'll ask again, where did you fall from?" Dabi asked.

"Mina's window."

"How'd you get there in the first place?"


"You know what? I'll stop asking, this is too much for my brain cell."



"You'll be excused from training today."


"Because your hurt."

"That sucks."

"I hate you."



I dragged my foot along the floor.

I hummed my favorite song as I slowly walked to the cafeteria.

That was when I felt a... breath... on the back of my neck.

I quickly turned.


My screams were muffled as someone grabbed me from behind.


I woke up in a room with white walls. 

I was sitting atop a bed.

I could see another bed next to me.

There was... a girl on it.

A girl with blue-ish, white-ish hair. 

She had a horn protruding from her forehead.

Her large red eyes skittered around the room in fear.

Her eyes locked onto mine.

Her red orbs shook in terror.

"W-who... W-who are y-you?" She stuttered.

I was shocked.

Judging her from her voice and appearence, she only seemed around 6 years old.

Why was there... a child here?

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