11. Not Romantic But Possessive

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Jason's pov

Lia suggested we go for a run, then eat whatever Louis prepared. We agreed , changed into our wolf forms and ran. 
Running under the moonlight with my mates has been one the best experience of my life.

I felt free and.....happy.

The feel of breeze on my fur , the slightly humid summer air and the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins as I ran fast..faster than the breeze itself.. has always been exhilarating but with my mates on both of my sides it's different...it's better.

Its beautiful.

The way our paws hit the ground at the same time and our bodies are so in sync with each other..it's like the moon is telling me somehow, reassuring me that I am not alone anymore. My mates are there with me , every step of the way. They are not gonna leave me like the others did.
Like my mother did.
Like my father did.
Like my 'family' did.

They are not like the people who were supposed to be with me all my life supporting me, loving me, and just being there.

But right now I don't care , I have my mates with me and I am happy, running with them , looking into their eyes , I am happy.

Looking into Lia's eyes, their amber color shining with joy and a pretty radiance that makes my heart skip a beat ,makes her my Pretty girl.

And Lou's eyes are an addicting blue , darker than his usual blue ,filled with so much warmth like summer, so he is my Summer.

After running around for an hour or so we all get hungry and go back to the picnic set up and devour all kinds food it contained. Summer had brought a fairly large tent which surprised me because I did not expect to spend the night together but tomorrow is Sunday so eh.

"Oh I am so full" Louis said and laid down taking Lia with him. They were cuddled on the pillows Summer arranged to bring here ,only lord knows how. Looking at them now I did not feel even an ounce of jeously or anger towards Louis, if anything I felt satisfied that both of my mates are safe , sated and are there with me. The thought brought a small smile on my face thinking how easy and right it feels to think of him as not only my alpha but also my mate.
How ridiculous it once was and how natural it is now.
It doesn't feel , for a lack of a better word , romantic as it does with my pretty girl but I do feel the need to protect him , to fulfill his needs, keep him happy, keep him safe and sound in my arms , only Mine...ok maybe a bit possessive but not romantic.

I think I completely accepted him as my mate tonight after I realised how much he cares that I haven't seen and enjoyed a large and basic part of his world and to bring us here in the middle of a forest just because I missed nature. I accepted that I do care as much even if I try my damn best to ignore it.

"You gonna sit there and stare all    night or gonna lie down ,asshole?" He asks smilling his ever present cheeky smile.

I just shake my head and lie down beside him, basking in their scents , not touching.

"Night night guys"
"Good night angel"
"Night pretty girl"

I close my eyes and after five minutes or so I feel a weight on myself. I open  my eyes only to see Summer's head on my chest and his arm around my waist, Lia fast asleep spooning him from behind.

I could hear his racing heart which confirmed that he is indeed wide awake and testing the waters. I did not feel repulsion of any kind at being cuddled up with a guy ,no, if I am being completely honest , I actually felt comforted. So I let it be and watched him go to sleep with a smile on his face. I kissed Lia's forehead and tried to go to sleep but not before wrapping an around Louis keeping him flush against my chest after all I did say that i want him held protectively in my arms, cause they are both mine.

Only MINE.


Thanks for reading.... lots of love❤️

 lots of love❤️

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