3.Alpha-Beta Dynamic

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Jason's pov

I am lying on my soft plush king sized bed in my dorm room and wondering if the decision we came to would be right or regretful...only future will tell.

"Then we reject one another." I said.

"No...you guys cannot do that."Amelia said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because the rejection will weaken you both and will cause you a lot of pain and it's not like once rejected you won't see each other forever...You are alpha and beta of the same pack..you guys need to get along besides think of your wolves would they be happy,huh?" She lectured.

"Adonis, what do you say?" I asked my wolf.

"No wolf wants to stay away from their mate J but if you really can't stand him,I am with you." Now I am not that cold hearted to do that to my wolf...he is the only one I love besides Gramps.

"You are right I am not doing that to my wolf." I told her.

" I agree" Louis said sighing in what seemed like...relief?

"Ok but I will not mate with my alpha who is also a guy." I said.

"Sure it's not like I am jumping in joy to be your mate either, asshole." He arrogantly replied.

He is quite crude with his language.

"Its good that we agree then it's decided me and Louis here shall maintain the alpha-beta dynamic while sharing Amelia as our mate." I concluded.

"I object." Amy said...ok I have to say this... she is cute.

"So much" Ad agreed.

"I am sorry Lia but it's not about you here.... it's between me and Jase and we get to decide the the course of our relationship." Alpha said.

Did he just give me a nick name.

"So as I said we will have relationship as an alpha and beta and we will call each other as such." I concluded.

But the look on their faces said 'is it English you are speaking buddy?'.

" You mean I call you beta among all the humans around us, huh?" He asked with his head tilted, genuinely looking like a pup than a big bad alpha.

"I don't see why not, but if it makes you uncomfortable we call each other by our real names among humans.. Alpha." I answered.

"Fine by me,Beta." He responded but his eyes said something else, I ignored it.

" If  both of  you have decided everything then you will have to excuse me, I have too much thinking to do." Amelia said and walked out of the cafe her drink in her hand. It is obvious she completely disagrees with our decision but she will live.

" She is something else, isn't she?"Louis said.

"Yeah but she is mine." I replied looking at the door she got out of.

"Ours" he exclaimed a bit possesevily.

"Of course, my apologies Alpha."I said.

And the look on his face said he was not liking this formality at all.

"Can't you fucking call me by my name asshole?"

"Can't you call me by mine?"I smiled a sarcastic smile.
"Now please excuse me." And I returned back to my room.

I went to sleep thinking about my today ,my future with them and especially Amelia. Ad has blocked me out I wonder if he is thinking the same.

Hey guys, thanks for trying my book out..feel free to point out mistakes and give constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading..lots of love ❤️

lots of love ❤️

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