Actually having dinner in hide park

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Walking around the large field, they made their way across the street and into the crowd. For Tris and Tobias, they had made sure to remeber exactly where they went with Sebastian, and where used to the scene now, but for the others, they still stared around googlly eyes everywhere at all the steam punk fashioned things.

"Talk about the fashion...who wears this stuff?"
Isabelle exclaimed, obviously shocked at this sight. Isabelle was never really someone who liked the olden day clothing, especially not on

"Look, fashion had to start somewhere too"
Simon joked and jace looked back and gave him a sideway smile, as an approval that this had been a funny joke. Simon and jace had began to create their own unspoken language ever since on the ship with valentine. It was almost a bond but not really. It was really confusing.

"This ones it"
After a while of circling the streets of London they finally came to a stop out the front of a tavern. Pushing the door open, they all stepped inside to see an assortment of downworlders. Tris and Tobias has stopped in their tracks and looked around in shock. Clary, jace, Simon, Maia, Alec and Isabelle all went in and up to the bar, clary turned back and said
"Arnt you comming?"

They both made their way to the bar were the rest stood and looked around surveying the environment.

"They have red eyes...and blue skin..."
Tris whispered to clary. She simply looked back at tris and smiled

"Of course they do, they are warlocks" and turned back to order something

"How are you going to pay for those?"
Tobias asked. Although they had led them here, they had no idea how or what to do in this world

"Witch light stones, they exchange with that in this bar"
Maia pointed to a sign and smiled back at them

" is this...normal?"
Tris asked. She was too stunned to realised that Maia had just transformed her eyes into wolf eyes to prove a point

"Yeah, but their harmless, unless you piss the off, then all hell breaks loose "
Isabelle said. Alec hearing the comment went a whiter shade of pale and looked away. The orders came back and they all found a place at a table to sit. Each picking at their food, the discussion began

"So. Basically, you drank ithuriels blood right?"
Jace had started off.

"Yeah, but it's weird, he said we were meant to reproduce feathers or something so that we could call him or save someone ..."

"Jeez, I wish my angel was that happy to be summoned, last time it was it almost killed Simon "
Isabelle said.

"Well now we know who the happier twin is"
Said Tobias, everyone laughed at this. It had been a while since to Tobias had started to crack jokes. Triss looked at him out of suprise and gave him a warm smile.

"Okay, so now we know what happened, what are we going to do next?"
Alec had always been the one to see the future and plan ahead. It had always been the same reason why he would be the only one stressing.

"Right...forgot about us"
Clary said

"We'll, it would be nice to know your names "
Tobias said, indicating to Alec, Isabelle and Maia. They had had a full conversation with them without really knowing their names

"Oh, yes! Of course! This is Alec, Isabelle, Maia and Simon ! "

This was where they exchanged awkward hellos. The sort of hellos that should have been said before getting this far into the friendship.

"So now were acquainted....what do we do?"
Alec once again asked

"There is an institute around here, Sebastian showed us"
It was clear that at every mention of Sebastian's name, they would all wince a little bit

"Okay that's great and all, but I don't think we can just go in there barging on and be like "take us in!"
Isabelle pointed out. It was true

"No...but you could tell them why your here.."
Tris supplied.

"To find Sebastian...but they won't know who he is.."
Alec stared down at his cup intently. Trying to configure an idea

" no, but we know he wants to attack the institute .."
Tobias said, and this grabbed everyone's attention


"We'll, Sebastian had said something about how he couldn't get to the London institute in the present time, so he was going to try now when they arnt expecting it "
Tris said

"Because he does what no one expects"
The others said in a chorus. Tris and Tobias stared at each other. There wasn't much this group didn't know

"Okay, its sorted then, we go to the institute, warn them of an attack and get taken in! Simple ! "
Alec said. He enjoyed having things planed and visibly relaxed momentarily. The others looked skeptically back at Alec. There's no way this could be that simple.

"What about us..."
Tris and Tobias hadn't really contemplated on what to do when the others got to the institute

"We'll we can't leave them here"
Jace said to the group. Whom all sensed Sebastian's wrath and sympathized

"You will have to come with us then, you have everything?"
Not that they had had much in the first place, but what they had left Sebastian's house with ; winter jackets, a few of the weapons and watches which were neatly in the jacket where all they had on them.

"Yep "

"Then lets waste no more time..lets go"
And with that everyone stood up and left the bar heading for the institute

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