The begining

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Hey guys! so I discovered this song recently and it kind of reminded me of Alec and Magnus's situation and thought I had to share it with you guys. Its also one of my favourites. Its in the external link area. when you get a chance you need to check it out

The shadow hunters :

Under his feet, the gravel felt soft. It was a good thing that Simon had decided to invest in a new pair of runners. Due to Isabelle's influence, his fashion sense had completely changed too.

"How far do you think we are?"
Simon questioned. Not because he was physically tired, he was a vampire after all. They had energy for days, but mainly because he was running out of topics and camp songs to keep everyone entertained.

"Just up ahead after the clearing"
Jace had been trying really hard lately to keep the heavenly fire from executing from his body. It hadn't been easy, he even had to restrict himself with clary, but he had to do it or someone could get really hurt. Along c side jace, Simon could see clary and Isabelle engaged in their own conversation. What where they talking about? Clary and Isabelle didn't really seem like the two best friends from the north. But in the past couple of months, they had built a relationship. Alec and Maia were behind everyone also engaged in their conversation. Wait, Alec and Maia? What on earth could those two be talking about? They didn't really have much in common. Simon dropped back slightly to listen in.

" I know how you feel, I can sort of relate.." Alec said
Maia looked at him in disbelief
"How can you relate? Jordan died"

" I know. I'm really sorry"
Alec looked down at his feet while walking to avoid making eye contact. You could tell Maia was struggling to keep her words straight

"Don't be, it's not your fault. It was that bastards. And I swear when I get my hands on him I'll kill him."
Although she was small, the force she delivered those words with startled Alec. He looked up at her and met her eyes.

"So will I."
They were both serious. After a while they drifted away again into silence

"Hey...I'm really sorry....about Magnus"

Now it was Alec's turn to look up in surprise. Before he had been distraught about Magnus, but now be was able to control it. A twinge of pain still lingered around his heart though every time he heard Magnus's name.

"Don't be, it was my fault anyway... I've learnt a good lesson from it."
Alec admitted.

"When he left though, I felt like I had I was horrible. It still is horrible, but now I've learnt how to live with it"

Maia looked at him with glassy eyes. She could feel his pain. Could see how it had eaten away at him. She suddenly felt a bond forming between them.

"If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here "
She quickly said, not quite sure how else to respond

"Same to you, wolfy"
He looked at her with a small smile spread across his mouth and a fondness.

"We are here!"
Jace called out to everyone. It was a grassy field with a small manor house in the background.

It felt strange being the only ones to be on this mission, not that it was exactly official. The clave had not done anything to find Sebastian's whereabouts. Or at least nothing useful. They hadn't tried to contact jace or clary, the previous hostages of Sebastian for matter of direction. They only questioned them on the events that had already occurred. So the children had taken it on themselves to track down Sebastian. They hadn't told anyone else about it, or else the clave would have found out. To their families the teenagers were just 'hanging out.' But in reality they were planning to track down Valentines son, whom just happened to be three times more clever and six times as evil than the famous valentine had been. Making their way through the grass they reached the edge of the field and stepped out into the openness. There was no where to hide. It was risky being out in the openness but it was the only choice they had. Making their way up through the veranda, weapons in hand, they reached the front door and saw it was open. This was almost too easy, where was the security? But then again this place was not easy to bind. It had taken jace being in Sebastian's head to figure out how to get here, if you didn't already know how to get here, it was impossible to find.

They all froze, in the room in front of them was Sebastian, two other figures and an open portal hovering in the air. Clary automatically recognised the two figures. Tris and Tobias! but what were they doing here? Sebastian's back was to them and tris and Tobias were facing them. Clary tried to get there attention, but it was useless. Tris and Tobias were completely under Sebastian's control like Jace had been.

"So be prepared, I'd rather you don't land like last time, that was really time consuming and time is what we don't have. "
Sebastian barked at them

"Yes, all clear understood"
Tris replied.

"So I'll go in first, wait five minutes so I can scan surroundings and then come in alright?"

"Your not afraid we will run away?"
Tobias smirked

"You may have your personality, but you don't have your control "
Sebastian laughed back and with that he disappeared into the portal

After a little while tris seemed to melt away from her current demeanor and relaxed.

"What the hell are we going to do!?"
She yelled at Tobias

"Look, for now we follow along, we can't just escape, he will find us again"
Tobias retorted

"I hate this.."
Tris let out.
Not being able to hold herself still anymore, clary yelled out and ran across the room.

"Tris! Tobias!"

Jace automatically following her led the rest of the crew in. Tris and Tobias froze. The rest of the people were the ones they had seen in their dream.

"Clary? What are you doing here?"
Tobias blurted

"A better question Is what are you doing here? "
Jace replied sarcastically

"I'm so glad your here! "
Tris hugged clary tightly

"We sort of got kidnapped by your friend here, Sebastian?"
Tobias said

"We gathered that much, are you under his control?"
Jace asked hurriedly

"No, he can't control us, we are divergent "
Tris interrupted, breaking away from clary.

"Can you help us?"

"Of course! But we need to know what he is planning, has he told you? "

"Yes. he is going to -"
"Tris, we need to go, now. It's been over 5 minutes "
Tobias said

"What? But we only just started talking!"

" I know, but he will come back through if he's suspicious..."

Everyone exchanged worried glances towards each other. Suddenly grabbing tris's hand, clary pulled off her fairy ring and jabbed it onto trisses finger.

"We can communicate through this! Don't let him see it"
Clary exclaimed

Tris took the time to evaluate it. it seemed to mould itself to her finger . Tobias pulled out a pair of gloves from his pocket and slipped them over her hands,

" we won't"
And with that they jumped into the portal.

Divergent meets the shadowhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now