What Now?

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What now? As Clary and Isabelle were dwelling in the hopelessness of their situation, they were breifly interrupted by female voice.

"Release them!"

The voice staggered. from the tone, they could tell it belonged to triss. No, no no. please dont get muddled up in this situation they thought. Tris held her defensive stance with her newly equip weapon hot in her hands, however Sebatian easily regarded her with little more than interest. He didnt bat an eye lid. Almost as quickly as she had made the threat did his men turn towards her and challenge her with their own weapons. They stood frozen in the standoff. who would be the first to make the move? To add to the drama, as if on cue, Will and Jem came racing up the stairs stopping only feet away from triss to gauge at the sight. They too were frozen in place. After what had seemed like forever, Sebastian broke the silence

"ha, this only gets better by the minute. My dear, it's been such a long time. How are you enjoying your time here with your new friends? Your new Allies?"

His words felt icy cold. every syllable stabbed like a knife. His composure made her uneasy, but she wasnt about to let him know that.

"Did you ever spare me a thought while you were off galivanting?" Now his expression turned into something more sinister. He carefully assessed her, mocking her with his eyes.

"Did you think I wouldnt notice? That I wouldnt have planned for this? Did you take me as such a fool that you believed you could just waltz right out of my plan without any repercussions? My My, how you still do not know this world. And here i thought i had found someone who was smart. who could learn fast. Obviously not smart enough if you think to cross me. I provided for you! gave you all you needed! you could have ruled alongside me, but you ruined it. You did this to yourself and Now both you and your little friend Tobias will pay tenfold."  He sauntered freely around the room. His movements were smooth, but his intention and eye sharp. Switching his attention to the clarry and Isabelle, he smiled with a chilling edge.

"Oh, dont think I have forgotten about you Isabelle Lightwood. You are just as much responsable as the rest of them. "

At the name, Jem and Will's face paled. Lightwood? That wasnt a possibility. Unless Gabriel and Gideon had failed to mention for the past 17 years that they had cousins. But that was highly unlikley. Perhaps they had heard wrong. Under al this stress it was a possibility, but Will knew what he heard and was mentaly picking part Isabelle.

"Isnt it a shame to think that your family was in the circle with my father, and here you are now oposing me. Isnt it clear what fate had intended for us? Our parents were in the circle and you were meant to join and expand it with me. We could have grown up together, but you choose the weaker option"

"Dont you bring my family into this. My parent left the circle when they found out what sort of messed up things valentine was doing. He wasnt trying to save our kind at all, he was trying to reproduce monsters!"

"And is that what you think Clary Morgenstern is then? A monster? After all he did tamper with her aswell"

"Im not a Morgenstern.. My name is Fray"

"And by that you mean a cross between Fairchild and Grey. Pity you are taking your mothers name when ours is so much better"

Her jaw was set. They were all tense except for Sebastian, who seemed to move around the room as if he hadnt a care in the world. after all it seemed he was already wining and there was nothing they could do. "Now I will have all of you in my grasp. Dont be a foolish girl, and close your weapon. There is no point in fighting me" He mused

the feeling of dread spread across the whole group except for triss, who kept her composer in this situation. How could she stil be so composed!? Didnt she realise that they were doomed? Looking at her face, there was no trace of worry. "As you wish" slowly but accuratly she linned him up and closed her weapon. As She closed Clahrak, the click sounded and a small silver peice of metal hurtled through the air unnoticed. Catching Sebastian offgaurd, it embed itself straight into his chest. The others took it as a blessing and used to short advantage to begin fighting the red vests. As they all fell into action, Sebatian had moved off into a corner. With a swipe of his arm, he vanished into thin air. Leaving behind his mess of red vests fighting for their lives. Gradualy they swipped their arms and were quickly dissapearing one by one. And soon the only ones left in the room were the shadowhunters.

Good time to talk?

Triss was on her back facing the ceiling. She could feel her blood draining from her and was expecting to see a pool of red around her, yet stared bleakly into what seemed to be golden glowing blood.

probally not, we were just attacked....and i think im...yep...im goi...n......u.n.con....

And she blacked out. Clary and will were the only ones standing. Suddenly from downstairs Kace and Tobias appeared. Immediatly taking notice of the golden blood, they moved swiftly to try and get Triss out of sight, but it was too late. Will could not unsee what he had just seen. And he had no intentions to. What he had just seen was impossible. There was no way any of it was real. Jem having become unconscious soon became his main focuss though. He scoped up his parabatai and raced him down to the beds of the infirmitry. Jessamine and Charlotte had already been down there nursing the injuries. After having moved everyone down to the infirmitry, they got a silent brother to come and further assess the wounds sustained.

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