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" Why do you even care?" Jahseh Said, Looking frustrated

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" Why do you even care?" Jahseh Said, Looking frustrated.

" I just wanna know, Why did you ask her to come with you?" I asked him getting closer to his face.

" First of fucking all back up, second of all Why do you give a shit neva!?" He rubbed his temples.

" I just wanna know, is that too much to ask for?" I yelled in his face feeling myself tearing up.

He sighed " I just took her back to the room and we chilled and smoked"

" Why?" I paced back in forth in the room.

We've been arguing about this for hours. It all started when he came in the dorm all smiley and shit.

" What?" He blankly said, staring at the pages in the corner of the room.

" Why did you ask her? What about me? What about ski?" I asked him.

" What is so special about her" By now there were tears falling down my face that I couldn't stop from Falling.

" I just wanted to smoke with her" He shrugged. " I answered your question now answer mines" He said

" Why the fuck do you care ?" He asked me, now sitting back down on the bed next to me.

" Because I love you" I let the words spill out of my mouth like vomit.

By the look on his face I could tell he was still irritated. " Neva..You know I stopped having feelings for you a long time ago" He said making my heart break instantly.

" Plus, No matter how u feel about me. The shit I do doesn't concern you. " He said now getting up and walking over to his desk.

" I still get jealous" I mumbled, making him shoot his head up at me.

" What the fuck is there to get jealous about? Your acting like I'm fucking her or something, god damn. Stop overreacting." He said making the tears on my face grow, my sadness now replaced with anger.

" After All the shit I've done for you?you just wanna " hang out" With some bitch that got here weeks ago!" I ranted, now screaming in his face again. " I left my fucking family for you years ago! I helped you with your gang even though I had No idea what to d-"

" Yea and you ended up killing my friend, So use a different reason" He said making me roll my eyes.

" it was 2 years ago! Get over i-" before I could even finish my sentence, he reached over his desk grabbing me by my hair.

He banged my head on the table before holding my face in front of his. " Wanna say that shit again?" He asked me making me shake my head.

He finally let me go, leaving the room. All I was left with was the silence, other than my loud weeps. I cried like a baby in the corner of the room.

Despite all the arguments we've had he has never laid his hands on me, And I feel like a bitch saying this but.

I still love him.

October 29, 2020. 9:23 PM

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