~Chapter 1: Lights~

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Context: You just turned 20, You lived in Portland OR, where you were born. Your best friend is Sapnap, you guys have known each other since high school but took a break so you could go to college in California. After collage you move back to Texas to move in with Sapnap since you have no other place to stay. Also I should say that Dream and Sap went to middle school together but dream moved before high school that's when you came in, in this comic at least.

~Your flight~

You finished college a couple weeks ago and you were on your flight back to Texas to move in with Sapnap. You guys haven't seen each other since high school, he was one of your best friends and you couldn't wait to see him. The entire flight you sat on you laptop watching YouTube, mostly old dream team videos because you absolutely loved them and all of the other mcyts. Sapnap said he would introduce you to dream and all them when you got there, and you were a little too excited. As the plane landed you looked out the window, it was around 3 am and the city was totally light up with the city lights.

Cities at night were your favorite view, when you were younger you and your family went on a trip to New York for a week because of your parents' work. You, mother and father, and your two older brothers, James and Chris. Your family was amazing, you couldn't ask for a better one,but,,, there were problems. You convinced yourself that all families had problems like yours to help sooth the pain but deep down you knew. You never met your mom's side of the family for reasons you never knew, and your brothers and you didn't share the same dad which caused more problems., including times when your brother would often come home drunk and cause fights. One night as you were in your room in the hotel where you were staying, you could hear your family fighting down stairs. To detract yourself, you opened a window next to your bed, you slowly climbed out the window onto a part of the roof. You sat at the end closest to the window. You looked down from the top of the hill where the hotel was and stared at the city at night with the lights and different colors. You stayed there for what seemed like forever until your father came out and comforted you from all the yelling as you sat there and cried. You always remembered that moment.

You continued to look at the city through the plane window, you saw small cars moving along the roads. The side walks like up with lights and building reaching to the sky. You saw that the city still looks the same, you missed this place. Your family lived in Portland Oregon, where you were born. The only reason you went to school here was because your family moved here for about 5 years then moved back to Oregon, mostly because of work. You wanted to move back not only to get away from your family but because here you had the best memories.

As you look back at the window, you see your plane was about to land as you got a text from Sapnap.

(611) words

(author note: sorry if there are any spelling errors, this is my first book plz tell me what you think of it so far :) ask plz let me know if you would like me to continue it it would mean the world to hear your feed back

𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 ~Dream x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now