Chapter 55: Realisation

Start from the beginning

"Because I thought it would make me feel better!" He yells, and I instinctively take a step backwards. "You shot him, and I wanted to make you feel pain."

I don't know what to say. "I... Didn't shoot him." I say cautiously.

Matteo looks at me, his eyes squinted as if he's looking at the sun. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't need to.

"You... You don't believe me." I breathe. "You think I was the one who did that to Dante? That's why you're forcing me to marry you as punishment..."

He doesn't say anything, only confirming my suspicions.

"Well, did it make you feel better? Knowing that I was hating myself?" I ask, my voice filled with a venom I don't think I've ever used before.

"It didn't." He says simply.

I scoff. "Get out."


Hours pass and I'm stuck sitting in my bed, not having even bothered trying to leave the room. Even if it is unlocked, I don't think I could look at Matteo without wanting to rip his face off.

Hunger pains have ripped at my stomach for the past hour and I'm tempted to look for food. But the stubborn part of me is reluctant.

My eyes flick up when I hear a soft knock.

That can't be Matteo.

He never bothers to knock.

"Come in?" I question, confused as to if I even get the luxury of denying people from entering my room.

Slipping through the crack of the door is a familiar figure, one much more petite than the last time I saw her. "Hello." Hailey's comforting voice chirps as he hesitantly walks further into my room.

The last time I saw Hailey was when she told me she would help me get out of this mess. Me being naïve, actually believed her. While I know she only had the best intentions at heart, I now realise that no one can help me. I can barely help me.

"Hi." I say back.

"I thought you might be hungry... You hadn't come downstairs for lunch so I made you a dish." She smiles and I look down to see the bowl in her hands. She comes closer towards me and holds it out.

"Thank you." I say as I take it from her.

"It's nothing too fancy, I thought you might just like something simple." I stare down at the bowl of Mac and cheese.


Hailey's face dampens a bit, and she takes a seat at the end of the bed, giving me space. I bring the fork up to my lips and take a but of the warm cheesy goodness. "I'm not going to bother asking how you are." She states. "Is there anything you'd like to say? To get off your chest?"

I purse my lips as I chew and swallow the food.

Shrugging, I take another bite. Hailey bite's her lip as if thinking of something to say.

I feel bad that I'm shutting down her attempts at conversation, but I just don't know what to say. I'm back in my captors possession and he is forcing me to marry him. I'm in some sort of reverse fairy tale, how am I supposed to act?

"Do you miss anything?" She asks out of the blue. I look back at her, to see her face slightly red, as if she's embarrassed to ask. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer, I know it's not the best question, considering the situation. If you want, I can leave."

Hailey gets up from the bed, but I quickly stop her much to my confusion. "No. Stay, please. It's fine." I say. Hailey gives me a tight-lipped smile and sits back down. "I... I think I miss clubbing." I say sheepishly.

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