Fractured from Himself (1)

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So this is gonna be another series...dunno how long...sorry for the slow updates, collage is hard my dudes.

Really, Avocato wasn't snooping.

If he was snooping by any chance, then his son would be wholly to blame, as he pointed out the behaviour in the first place.

But then again, he wasn't snooping. So the fact that he was quite literally on his hands and knees, sneaking into the Virtualasium was because Gary was currently in there.

No, this was not snooping.

He was just curious.

Gary had been oddly withdrawn for the past few days – no weeks – and Avocato didn't know why, for once. The blonde was upbeat and his usual joyful self before then, but Avocato knew the human too well to know the emotions was genuine.

Gary had wordlessly withdrawn to his room, only allowing HUE inside. When Avocato asked why HUE said it was for Gary's own safety.

(Avocato wished he never asked.)

Truthfully, Avocato wouldn't have even known Gary had come out of his room if it wasn't for Little Cato waking him up.

"He left his room. I watched him through the vents." His son had told him. Avocato reminded himself to talk to him about privacy after this was over.

"Over here!" Little Cato whispered. He too was pressed close to the ground. Avocato followed his son's outstretched paw and nodded.

Quietly they slipped through the crack of the Virtualasium door, shutting it behind him. Avocato looked up, finding Gary standing far in front of them with a small chip in his hands.

Long shadows were covering the human's features, blurring his emotions. His hair was messy, his stance stiff and fearful. A small sigh was released from his lips, his arms wrapping around his middle.

He had never seen Gary look so defeated.

Avocato knew he should make his presence known at this point – he wasn't snooping, so it would make the most sense – but he stopped when Gary raised the chip to his forehead, and the room around them changed.

They were in what Avocato could only guess as a tree house. The wooden walls were covered in bug posters, jars of the critters all over the floor. As if to confirm who's treehouse this was, a small blond boy was crouched over the largest of the jars, his tongue sticking out as he watched the small big move.

"What are you doing up here Spaceman?" Avocato turned, spotting a brunette male climb up the ladder. The younger Gary shrugged, and for the first time the Ventrexian noticed tears pricking in the corners of his eyes.

"That's not a very good answer..." his father (because who else could it be?) surprisingly chuckled, hauling himself into the treehouse fully. "How's Mooncake doing?"

Avocato blinked in surprise at the name. His confusion was quickly resolved when the young Gary hugged the jar closer to his chest with a sniff.

"He's fine. He should be going into his cocoon soon." The young human muttered.

The present Gary was standing above his younger self, expression unreadable. He refused to meet eyes with his father, however.

"Really? Well how about that." John Goodspeed sat beside his son, crouching to his level. "He's growing up so fast."

"Why do you have to go?" The younger Gary whispered suddenly. Avocato watched as their Gary dropped to his knees, still watching the conversation avidly.

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