Operation Gay Dads

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Little Cato drummed his claws on the table, pouting as he stared at the two people in front of him.

"Come on...just do it already." The small Ventrexian muttered. Ash flicked her eye up to the scene before going back to stabbing her meal with a fork.

"They won't do it." She pointed out. Little Cato sighed, dramatically flopping himself on the table.

"Why?" He watched as the two interacted off each other, laughing loudly.

"Grown-ups." Ash shrugged.

"Chookity." Mooncake agreed, flying lazily over to where Gary was currently making toast.

"I mean, I'm not a top chef or anything..." Gary grinned, flipping the toast in his hand. "But I do know how to make smiley faces in toast!"

Avocato was standing behind the blonde, studying the piece of toast with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but now I just don't want to eat it." Little Cato watched as his dad's hand skimmed against his other dad's, but his ears dropped when they didn't do anything else.

"Come on! He wants to get eaten!" Gary waves the toast in Avocato's face. Avocato rolled his eyes, biting it out of his hand.

"You humanise breakfast too much." Avocato mumbled through the toast. Gary laughed loudly, then went back to stirring his cereal.

Little Cato groaned again.

"See? They obviously have the hots for each other! You should see my Dad when I talk about him!"

"Which one?" Ash asked.

"Both of them!" Little Cato cried out. "They are just both too scared to – "

"To do what?" Avocato interrupted, sitting beside Ash. Ash blushed whilst Little Cato hastily looked away.

"Err – nothing!" Not his best lie (actually this was his worst) but thankfully his father didn't question it.

"What are we doing today?" Ash changed the subject, stabbing her meal again.

"Gary thought it would be nice to go out for the day." Avocato told them. Little Cato watched his dad's eyes soften at the mention of the human. "And I think it's a pretty good idea, how about you?"

"Yes yes yes!" Ash giggled. His frustration momentarily forgotten, Little Cato grinned, wiggling in his seat.

"That sounds cool!" He replied excitedly. Avocato chuckled, rubbing his son's back.

"Go tell Fox and the others then, see if they want to go."

Little Cato slid off his seat, Ash following him as they jumped into the elevator.

"Did you see that?!" Little Cato burst out once they were out of earshot. Ash nodded.

"Avocato got all mushy at the mention of Gary." Ash said as they walked down the hall. Mooncake began to follow them with a small chirp.

"I know! It's so annoying!" Little Cato shouted.

He and Ash entered another room, finding Fox easily. He was tinkering with a gadget, engrossed in his work.

"Hey Fox! Want to go out?!" Ash called from the other side of the room.

"No I'm good! I wanna find out what this little thing does!" Fox replied before his eyes were locked back into the small hunk of metal. Ash rolled her eye and they walked out the room.

They walked in silence for some while, occasionally breaking it to ask other members of the ship whether they wanted to join them. It was only when they asked everyone (who politely declined – after all, it wasn't exactly pre-planned) that Ash spoke again.

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