Whiskers (1)

753 21 17

Request by a few people on A03 and Wattpad, who wanted Gary being turned into a Ventrexian. So enjoy :)
This thing will probably only have one other part, just so you know

Though a light sleeper, it still often took Gary at least ten minutes to respond to his alarm clock. Today was no different.

With a stretch and a sigh, Gary slammed his hand onto the beeping clock, eyes still closed and sticky with sleep. With a grunt, he turned in his bed, ready to fall back asleep when he felt something brush against his leg.

His sleepy mind immediately thought it was a bug, but then he reminded himself they were on a ship in the middle of space – no bugs would be getting in unless they were already dead.

With a hum, Gary cracked open one eye, looking down at his body to try and find the offending thing.

And promptly screamed.

"What the –" Gary yelled, twisting out of his bed sheets. His arms were the same, and so was his chest. "Oh no no no! Am I – "

Gary's entire body was covered in golden fur, the shade changing to a lighter yellow on his chest. The blonde moved to pull at the locks, only to scream again.

His hands were longer, finished with black claws hooked at the end of his fingers. Gary held them out in front of him, shaking.

They looked almost like –

"NO WAY!" Gary ran to the bathroom, only getting a few steps before his new body tripped over. He wasn't used to the larger feet and longer legs. Stumbling to his feet, he locked himself in the bathroom.

A mirror hung on the wall, and Gary slowly inched over to it.

This has to be a nightmare!

Gary tried to scream again, but was cut off by seeing his refection (it wasn't his reflection, it couldn't be!) react in the same way. The sound died in his throat, and he was left staring at the face that couldn't be his.

Staring at him with bright blue eyes was the face of a Ventrexian. Pointed ears, whiskers, nose – all of it was new and foreign. Darker spots gathered beneath his eyes, looking like leopard spots. Gary followed them as he travelled down his neck, across his arms and back, stopping at his tail.

Oh god he had a tail.

He hadn't noticed the additional patterns before, and supposed that they were quite pretty – that was, if he wasn't the one wearing the fur.

Gary watched as the Ventrexian's panicked expression – slitted pupils, teeth showing underneath his lip – relaxed slightly to one more of shock. Hesitantly, Gary lifted a finger to his face. The Ventrexian did the same.

"How is this..." Gary muttered, prodding his cheek. "How..."

His new tail suddenly gave an unexpected twitch without his command, and he jumped. A strange, almost comedic cat screech emitted from his throat as he jumped into the air, fur bristling.

Gary calmed himself down to the best of his ability, trying not to look at the tail swishing nervously. He always thought Ventrexians had complete control over them, but he guessed he was wrong. It was responding to his core emotions.

Gary looked down at himself again, wiggling his new, longer toes. The panic rose in him again as he heard his alarm clock beep for the second time – time to get awake and get going.

It meant that Gary had been staring at himself for half an hour. And in that time, he hadn't realised that he was completely naked.

His pyjamas lay tattered in his room, torn apart by his new body. He was sure he was wearing them when he first awoke, so they must've been destroyed when he fell over.

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