Date Night (Little Cato x Ash)

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"Come on Little Cato, you got this."

Little Cato looked up at Ash again, watching her fiddle with the hem of her shirt. Her head moved towards him and he quickly looked down again, scuffing his feet on the white floor.

His tail twitched, a small blush rising to his cheeks.

"You don't got this. You don't got this!" Little Cato whispered to himself in a panic. Ash was oblivious to his struggle, now combing her hair with her fingers.

"Chookity?" The Ventrexian jumped, but relaxed at seeing Mooncake floating next to him. The small alien's face was a picture of confusion, looking from Ash to Little Cato.

"Hey Mooncake." The teen smiled and rubbed the creature's head. Mooncake gave a small chirrup in response. Little Cato stole another glance at Ash as he did so.

"Chookity pok?" Mooncake asked slowly. Though not able to understand him, Little Cato still got the gist of what he was trying to ask.

"Nothing." He responded, sighing. "You wouldn't know, by any chance, how to ask out a girl?"

"Chookity...Chookity pok."

"Thought so."

He wished Gary was here – he was sure the blonde would know what to do – but he was somewhere else on the ship, way beyond his reach. Going to get him now would mean that Ash would be gone by the time he came back, and he would be too late.

The next scheduled stop on the ship was a small planet which was a suspect of containing one of the keys. As a plus side, the place was one of Ash's favourites. Little Cato thought it would be nice to ask her out...if he could get the courage.

"Chookity!" Mooncake suddenly spun behind him and began to push him forward against his will.

"Mooncake! Stop!" Little Cato was helplessly pushed towards Ash despite his pleads.

"Chookity pok pok!" With a final shove, Little Cato crashed into Ash, sending them both spiralling to the floor.

"What the –" Ash said from underneath him. Little Cato blushed, managing to aim a glare at Mooncake.

"Sorry..." he hastily replied. He rolled off her, standing up. "Mooncake pushes me."

He offered her his hand, which she accepted.

"It's fine. I've had stranger greetings." Ash's face grew mysterious. "Much stranger."

"Ok..." Little Cato didn't know how else to reply, but smiled nonetheless. He was rewarded with a shy smile from Ash, which made his heart leap.

"So...err...nice planet we're going to, right?" Little Cato began awkwardly, sitting down. Ash sat next to him, giggling.

"This was where me and Fox snuck away from Clarence for a few hours and did what we wanted! It was so funny when we got back..." she grinned.

"Sounds like a blast." Little Cato laughed, tension leaving his body.

"It was." Ash agreed. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.



Little Cato nervously looked away from her.

"Do you want to go to the arcade there with me? Like –"

"Like a date?" Ash asked curiously. Little Cato shyly nodded.

"Or it could not be!" He quickly said when he received no answer. "We could just go as friends and –"

"No, I would like to go." Little Cato looked over at Ash, who was grinning. "Like a date. With you." She answered.

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