Rocket Man

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I just made Avocato live here - he wasn't taken over by Invictus, but still got his memories back.

Gary woke up with a start, breathing deeply as he sat up in bed.

The explosion shook the ground and he could only watch as his dad's ship was engulfed –

"Fuck." Gary curled in on himself, hugging the pillow in his hands. He looked out at the dark sky around him, frowning. The absence of something simple like clouds still bothered him, though he had been in space for a few years now. He remembered how he and his dad used to "cloudgaze" and try and spot some pictures in them.

(He wishes he could go back to those times)

Gary sighed, now fully awake. The clock on his desk read four in the morning. Again, he was up before anyone else.

Stretching, he ran a hand down his face and shuffled to the door. It opened with a small click, cold air blasting in his face. Gary shivered but kept walking, his feet padding quietly against the shiny floors.

It was odd to hear the Crimson Light so silent. It left Gary to only think of his own thoughts, and Gary didn't want to think of those.

Gary watched in horror as the Earth – his home – was pulled into the light by a giant hand. It was gone in a second, as if it was never there. His treehouse, his belongings, his town, his father's grave: gone in a heartbeat.

Gary paused at Little Cato's door, which was open slightly. With a small smile, he looked inside to find Avocato holding his son tight as they slept peacefully. It was the most relaxed Gary had seen him since he had recovered his memory.

(His dad used to hug him in the night too)

Gary moved past the door, his father's face still printed in his mind. Lights flicker on from above as he walks past, which is a surprise. Last time he heard, the ship was still experiencing many problems after crashing into the time crystal – one of them being power cuts. He supposed AVA had managed to fix it whilst he had been sleeping.

"Awake again, Gary? This is not the normal human sleeping habit." AVA commented from above. Gary jumped slightly, looking towards the door.

"Quiet AVA." Gary hissed. Her voice was much louder than his, echoing around the ship. He guessed she was doing it on purpose so someone could take him back to bed. "I'm not exactly the normal human."

Gary shut the door, leaning his head against the frame. The view of space was even bigger in this room. A large window was stretched across one wall, showing thousands of stars and meteorites.

"I can agree with that." AVA commented. "But this is the twenty-fourth night in a row, which has almost beat your record. This isn't healthy, is it?"

"I don't need a lecture." Gary muttered, turning to the window. The view was better when he was on Earth, where everything was still mysterious. The stars would fascinate a younger Gary for hours, but now they were so close they didn't look as spectacular somehow.

Gary suddenly threw his fists against the wall with a yell, gritting his teeth. He slammed his head soon after, screwing up his eyes.

It would be better if he could just forget.

(His childhood therapist said that this was a bad idea. Gary never went to see her again)

Gary slammed his head against the wall again, feeling some unwanted tears slip past his face. He wiped them off fiercely.

"Gary, I will have to inform someone of your emotional distress if you don't calm down." AVA's voice cut through his thoughts. Gary gave a small chuckle.

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