CH:37 Torpedos away!

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Sonar-" Conn, Serria one went active sonar! One ping!"

The Co froze as he planned what to do next in his sub. Inside the sonar room the sonar technician was trying to identify what the subs capabilities were. Serria one was 400 ft and diving. The fact that the enemy sub turned on its sonar, meant that the enemy sub suspected that something was nearby. But couldn't get a bead on it yet. The enemy sub was now northwest of the JUTISU, facing south. The sub was diving fast.  But surprisingly after a few mintues. The sub dived past the depth of the JUTISU. This confused the tech. Did the enemy sub not fully know where the sub was?

Sonar-" Conn Serria one now at 800ft. Bearing  335 heading south"

Co-"Prepare for enemy fire, get ready to counter fire, prep noisemakers".

Xo-"The enemy sub went active with only one ping. Either it knows where we are and is about to launch, or it thought it heard something. Sent one ping and bugged off"

The Co was thinking. Based off current intel. Any sub using active the same way wouldn't be able to detect the JUTISU. The last briefing he got from command stated the hostile forces were automated with a  small number of human operators. Was this submarine completely automated? Was that the reason why his crew couldn't identify it?

Co-"Sonar, this is Conn find out what that bloody thing is already!"

The sonar tech was sweating buckets when he heard the tone of the captain's voice. As he began to think his buddy and fellow sonar tech next to him gave a suggestion. 

Tech2-"maybe its a desgin based off an older vessel, like cold war era?, alot of modern designs borrow or are direct decendents of those subs. You may find similarities between them and the sub were after, ill check for you. The training simulator still has data on those old subs."

The sonar tech thought it was a pretty good idea. It takes alot of resources to design a sub from the ground up. He just hope the historical archives from the sub's training computer would get a match. A minute later he got his answer.

Tech2-"I got it!, I cross referenceed it to the sound signatures of cold war era subs. Its almost an identical match to the Soviet project 705, NATO designation ALFA."

No wonder why the sonar tech couldn't identify the sub. The sub design was fricking 130 years old. Back when the Soviet union was a thing. He checked the sound signatures of the Alfa and Serria one. It was a perfect match.

Soner-"Conn, Serria one classified as ALFA submarine. Sending specs now"

Co-"A what?"

Xo-"A cold war era submarine, it was dubbed the "Russian race car" for its performance."

The xo opened the data tab on the main screen.

Co-"why the hell are we against a sub that should be a museum piece?"

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Co-"why the hell are we against a sub that should be a museum piece?"

Xo-"The Russian federation had to declassify the design specifications to the public due to a probe into the subs safety issues. This includes schematics and blueprints, I remember learning about it in the academy."

Co-"Can we assume that its tech has been upgraded"

The Captain scanned the screen as it saw the Alfa's sonar and weapon specs.
The sub was designed to be an interceptor. A hunter killer. 

Sonar-"Conn, Sonar has lost Serria one, last know location bearing 290 distance 5 km heading south, enemy has appeared to have rigged for ultra quiet"

This is bad. The JUTISU lost its target. Why did the enemy go ultra quiet. Was it planning for a  suprise attack?  Or did it not know where the JUTISU was and gave up. The Co needed to organize the facts. The Co grabbed a marker and white board and wrote down what he knew. His Xo paid attention.

1. The sub is definitely hostile and has reacted to the JUTISU by going active sonar and diving erratically.

2. We dont know if the Alfa currently has a target solution on the JUTISU and is positioning to fire, or is clueless and adopting a patrol stance listening for other ships.

3. The alfa is is a hunter killer, designed to sink other ships and subs.

4. The sub may be autonomous based off enemy intel.

5. If the JUTISU does get detected, reinforcements will arrive to track and hunt down the JUTISU. Putting the the mission of inserting special forces in jeopardy.

The Co looked back at his work.

Xo-" if we have to engage the Alfa then we have to abandon our mission. We weren't expecting the enemy to have submarine capabilities."

Co-" your right, turn sub bearing 243. I want to locate and shadow the sub-


Co-" Evasive action, hard left rudder, Deploy noisemakers, go active sonar. Get me a target solution and fire tubes 1 and 2"

The JUTISU groaned as the sub begain to turn hard to the left. Noisemakers we eject hoping to lure the incoming torpedo with fake propeller noise, away from the JUTISU. As the torpedo closed in it ignored the first noisemaker and was on a collision course with the JUTISU.  A second noisemaker was launched and it caught the torpodo's attention. The torpodo missed the JUTISU and began to circle around like a shark looking to reaquire its prey.
The JUTISU sent out it sonar pings

Sonar-"Conn, Serria one reaquired bearing 230 heading bearing 120.

Co-" Fire tubes 1 and 2"

The JUTISU flooded its tubes and 2 wire guided torpodoes at the Alfa. The computer remotely guided the projectles when an alarm rang amongst the ship.

Xo-"enemy torpodoes have reaquired us and approaching bearing 060".

Co-" cut the wire, set torps to active, hard right rudder, prep noisemakers"

The sub programed the swimming torps to search for its prey with sonar while the sub disconnected from the torps and began Evasive actions. This could be bad. A torpodo with the wire cut can target friendly vessels as hostile. If the 2 torps circle around towards the JUTISU. The JUTISU would be dammed.  As the enemy torp closed in. The JUTISU went full speed and turned hard to avoid the weapon, deploying noisemakers.  The 2 friendly torps headed towards the alfa. The alfa launched its noisemakers and began to rise rapidly, hoping to outpace the 2 torps.  The sonar techs were able to hear the alfa's propeller noise as it went to full power trying to out maneuver. However it was to late. Both torpodoes hit their mark. The sub imploded as air bubbles began to escape from the sinking vessel. The sub began to pitch towards the bottom of the sea and slowly descended into the abyss.

The enemy torp tailing the JUTISU was still streaking towards the JUTISU. A noisemaker was able to thwart the attack run, the torp circled 2 times before detonating due to running out of fuel. 

Sonar-"All contacts lost, contact serria one breaking up"

Co-" we failed our mission, reinforcements will be upon us looking for us, we have to head home if we are to surive, set course to home"

The crew let out a sigh of relief. They were the first crew in over 100 years to engage with an enemy sub. Their battle was over. But without the spec ops waiting to extract Deku and the survivors. Their chance of survival just took a turn for the worst.

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