Ch: 23 I-island

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Hey guys just a heads up, in order for you guys to fully appreciate Deku's combat skill I posted some videos about Titanfall pilots. These soldier pilots use thrusters on their back called a jump kit to move around the way they do, Deku in the story has the same jump kit and is able to pull the same moves as the pilots with the same gadgets. I hope this helps with the storytelling. 

(BTW titanfall 2 is an amazing game, if you haven't tried it give it a shot, you can find it for cheap and its a load of fun, the game is in the same universe as APEX LEGENDS and is made by the same guys who made modern warfare!!)

Class 1A was way too excited to go to I-island when the plane hit the tarmac swarms of news reporters swarmed the plane trapping all might and the kids at the airport. As they walked out everyone was riddled with questions about life in U.A, fighting villains and being famous, some of the students enjoyed the limelight, bakugo was threatening everyone like usual, Torodoki was still emotionally blank, and Deku tried to ignore the press asking him what his quirk was. "What's your quirk new kid?" "What's it like being a pro" god if he didn't hate the press before he certainly did now. A few hours later they finally made it to the hotel. Deku shared a room with Lida and Torodoki. Lida-"I say the press simply can't mind their own business" Deku simply nodded in agreement. He got on his phone and asked the team he assembled to meet in a meeting room in the hotel. Once everyone was assembled Deku gave a little pep talk, Deku-"aright remember even though we have a mission, we are still to act like students, go out explore, and blend in, having fun is a good way to blend in so enjoy yourselves for a bit." As they left Deku got his gear on, he hooked his helmet to his back and put his hud glasses. They decided to head to a combat arena first before breaking off into smaller groups. When they arrived they saw Bakugo exploding his way to the top of a ridge covered in robot targets, with efficiency and destructive grace and a bit of anger he blasted his way to the top earning the quickest time. Lida-"He's incredible"  as bakugo was done he completed the course in 26 seconds. He saw Deku in the stands and pointed at him. Bakugo-"If it ain't the quirkless hero, well come on show us what you got" Ochako was red in anger Ochako-"Why that little" Deku grabbed her shoulder, Deku-"Its okay, ill go" Deku headed to the bottom of the arena, as he walked he went over his kit one last time, he was about to use his jump kit extensively for the first time. With the jump kit, he could "double jump", run on walls and slide longer distances, he was nervous but being nervous never stopped him from doing anything. As he arrived at the starting line the girl who was the announcer gave in an introduction. "Ladies and gents, competing now is a quirkless contestant, let's see if he is able to finish," she said in a mocking tone. Class 1-A was very ticked off as their friend was being mocked, Ochako swore that she heard Torodoki swearing ever so slightly. Deku took off his glasses and donned his combat helmet. His visor activated causing it to emit green light.  Deku got his sidearm out and loaded Armour defeating rounds for his targets. 

The horn was blared and Deku sprinted forward. The first group of targets were on ground higher them him so Deku used his jump kit to boost up and run against the wall, jumping from wall to wall gaining elevation. He threw an emp grenade at the 3 bots and fried them on the spot, then he slides underneath a rock formation and threw a frag grenade getting the other small group. He then used his grapple hook to slingshot himself up. Once overhead, he was around 6oom in the air, where he aimed his pistol and took shots at the individual bots scattered the ridge,  5 shots 5 targets hit on the head. As he fell back down he used his jump kit to soften his landing. He continues his killing spree running and shooting. After his last bullet, there was one bot left on the edge of a cliff. He tackled the bot with his knee sending both of them off the edge The bot fell to the bottom and hit the ground in front of the announcer. Deku then came falling down landing feet first on top of the bot caving its body in. Deku proceeded to snap the neck of the robot and rip it clean off its chassis. 

The crowd was silent. This quirkless guy with his amazing skills with his weapons ranked second with 29 seconds out of 15 competitors.  Before leaving he asked the announcer Deku-"Who manufacturers these target robots?" Announcer-" A-a-a company called Tacker Robotics" Deku gave his thanks and walked off Announcer-"Wait!, are you really quirkless?!" Deku just looked back his faced behind his helmet, he just gave a slight nod and turned back around heading to his friends in the stands. When he got up to the stands he took off his helmet, he was greeted by his friends as they congratulated him, bakugo gave Deku a nod of respect, which was more the Deku ever expected. Then that's when the cameras start flashing as all the spectators were trying to get a picture of Deku. Ochako wasn't particularly happy that some girls were asking for his number. Deku politely refused to give his phone number stating, he didn't have one yet as he made the excuse he was getting a new phone plan. He still got 7 different pieces of paper with phone numbers written down. He looked over to Ochako and gave her a small simile causing Ochako to beam a bigger simile back. The group then walked off going to get lunch. Unaware to them a quirkless blonde with glasses was watching from the stands above, a small simile upon her face. 

Callsign: DEKUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin