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0535: All agents were assembled in the training room for physical training, today's class, combat, no weapons. "I wanna go against the kid," said SOAP, He walked on the ring with Deku walking to the other side, Soap-"I'm going to break you" Frost-"fight". Both agents began charging at each other, Deku was thinking about his opponent, realizing that Soap was spraying what appeared to be a slippery substance from his fingers, Deku-"So that's why he is called Soap", Deku then began to run around Soap in circles avoiding the substance. Then he stopped. And he just stood there doing nothing, Deku-"What's wrong can't hit a moving target, what about a stationary one?" This was his plan, Soap sprayed the ring with soap, the only dry place on the ring was beneath Deku's feet. Soap-"YOU'RE DEAD". Soap charged only to slip on his back and slide all the way to Deku, Deku stopped him with his foot, Deku-"Your quirk is good for traps, ambushed and defence, don't underestimate your enemy, even if they are quirkless". Frost-"Deku, you win I'm going against you now".The ring was cleaned up at the next fight began, The ground around Frost began to freeze up, the Frost put his 2 hands together and made a spear out if it and hurled it at Deku, Deku slide on his knees ducking back as the spear flew over his face. Deku-"Damn I gotta get closer" he charged at Frost getting to land a sweeping kick, only to get countered and pushed back, Frost's fists began to freeze up replacing flesh and skin with hard ice. He charged at Deku and a fistfight began, punches and kicks were exchanged back and forth, a true dance of martial arts. Deku took a back leap and thought about his next move, all of a sudden Frost leapt at Deku, moving faster than Frost could react, Frost felt a sharp pain in his back and then realized he was on the ground. Frost-"The fuck just happen?" Reader" The Aug fucked you up". Frost got up only to see Deku flex his arm to break the ice on his arm. Deku began to walk away leaving everyone in shock. Soap-"I thought he was quirkless". Reader-"What did AFTERLIFE do to the kid". Frost was able to compete with some of the top 10 heroes from the unfriendly encounters with them. Frost-"That kid is going to places," he thought to himself. After pt Deku took a shower and got his normal gear on, he walked down to the mess hall for breakfast, he grabbed his food and sat down, Frost and Reader sat at his table. Frost-"I thought AUGs were quirkless" Deku-"We are" Reader-"Then how the fuck did you move so fast kid". Deku-"Our augments push our bodies to the absolute edge, I am faster and stronger then athletes who train for their whole lives, I can react 4x faster than most sharp people, I am more agile and intelligent, I can process information 5x faster than ordinary people, to sum it all up im a lifetime's worth of physical and mental conditioning. I am the absolute limit of what an ordinary human body can achieve." Frost-"So your an ordinary guy huh?". Deku-"Yep", breakfast was soon over and all agents were to report to the briefing table for discussing the new operation. Frost-"Alright let's get started, last month police intelligence gather info on what appeared to be a new organized villain element, called the league of villains. We have  reasonable doubt that the league is planning on attacking the students in hero courses across Japan, their secondary objective is the kill/capture of the No.1 hero ALL MIGHT."  Soap-"They're trying to go for the number 1, their good as fucked anyway why even bother?" Frost-"Which leads to my next point,....before I say anything this a classified matter, only people to hear about this besides us are like 10 people, if word gets out about this the public panic will be too much...... All might is no longer a combat capable hero" Frost said in a bitter tone. Soap-"THE FUCK" Frost-" He took a beating and is severely injured he can only fight for a few hours now, we got this intel from a detective in the police". Deku was saddened from the fact because he was a fan of all might since he could remember. Deku-"Where do we fit in" Frost-" our agents will be tasked with monitoring and protecting the students across the country and All might until the league is brought down". Reader-"Why not use pros?", Frost-"For 2 reasons, 1. Pros attract too much attention and the league can probably find counters. 2. No hero would ever take time from their schedule, fame and glory to babysit a bunch of 15-year-olds 7 days a week. The government chose AFTERLIFE for our discreetness and potential for surprise." Deku-"What are the operating parameters?" Frost-"Low profile, no interaction with the students, or All might as they don't know who you are. If the students are in immediate  danger from the league or any other villains you are cleared to engage, your protocols apply." Deku remembered the protocols that were drilled in his head, he based everything he did was based on them, 1. Uphold the mission, 2.Shut down any threats, 3. Protect others. Frost-"Deku you will be assigned to the school here, U.A, you  will be in the sidelines following the hero class and monitoring them, remember once you join a fight your cover will be blown and you will probably be called  a vigilante and be chased at, if you do get caught, escape. Have fun" Frost said with a sarcastic smile. The agents walked back their quarters to gear up, Deku got his trusty M1911 with the array of ammo types, devils breath, stun, rubber, armour piercing, and high explosive, he also donned his tac gear and the half mask covering his lower face. gloves, black khaki scarf and earpiece as well. His HUD glasses had lens which was dark green, matched his hair quite well. He left his room heading to the base exit when he was stopped by Frost, Frost-"Wait kid one sec". He tossed 2 gauntlets to Deku Frost-"Since you are still quirkless I thought those might help" and with that, he walked away. Deku being curious attached the gauntlet to his the lower arms and focused into activating the new gear. A  blade shot out, with the tip being about a foot from his knuckles. Deku now had 2  retractable blades to use, "These will be useful," Deku thought to himself. He retracted the blades and headed for the exit determined to protect the future heroes. 

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