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Some and fire Deku was sweating underneath his gear, his m4 was empty he swapped mags and continued to fire, they wouldn't stop coming, they wouldn't stop.......

Deku shot up, sweating and alert  "Its just a nightmare," he told himself. He was in a bedroom covered with all might stuff, Deku always had a deep respect for the guy but he took his inner fan a bit too far when he was a kid. Deku then got some clean clothes on and walked to the kitchen. Inko-"Morning Izu"Deku-"Morning mom" they sat and ate breakfast together, Inko-"When you were young you always wanted to be a hero, are you excited to be in the hero course?". Deku-"Yea", Deku was excited, but he already learned most stuff a hero would know from training to be an agent, Deku didn't tell her about the augments or the fact that he was quirkless. Deku told his mom that he had an analysis quirk, and to be fair is that was a real quirk, Deku would have it, his ability to identify weakness, and to exploit it gives him the edge he needs to face quirks. Inko-" I left your school uniform on the couch, I have to go to work now, bye dear" she kisses Deku on the forehead. Deku-"Bye mom" Deku was happy to meet his mother, he hoped that the surviving Augs would find their families as well. Deku then put on his uniform and headed to U.A. Legally he couldn't ride his sports bike unless he was in costume, It was parked in the school garage, so Deku walked instead. Deku made it to school and proceeded to become part of the same class he was assigned to protect. Class 1-A was buzzing, as usual, Ochako was talking to the girls while Bakugo was cursing at Denki. Then Eraser walked in. Eraser-"We have a new student joining us, he got a recommendation from the principle to be here, who knows you might learn a thing from him. Ochako-"I wonder who is the new person" Mina-"I hope the person is chill" Lida-"I hope he was dedicated to being a hero". Lida was karate chopping his arms for some reason. Bakugo-"I hope the new extra is a fucking challenge". The students were gossiping among themselves when they heard a voice at the door. Deku-"Permission to enter sensei?" the class turned around saw the boy that saved their lives during the USJ battle. "WHAATT!!" was the only thing the class could save. Lida-" Sensei why is a vigilante in our class?" Eraser-"Allow me to introduce Izuku Midoryia and no he is not a vigilante, he used to work for the government". Deku gave a small smile to his class. Ochako couldn't believe it the boy who saved her twice was standing in front of her, her heart skipped a beat, her heart was twisting. That boy risked everything to save her and the others, why? Eraser-"I'll let him fill you in on the details, Midorya sit next to Ochako please" Deku moved to the empty seat and sat. Eraser-"Work on your assignments and fill Deku in on said assignment, im going for a nap" and Eraser left the room. Bakugo-" Deku is that you?" Deku frowned at him Deku-"How do you know my callsign?". Bakugo-"Im the one who gave it to you shitty nerd!". Deku-"Did I know you in the past?". Bakugo was no pissed off. His childhood friend didn't remember him, he wanted to punch Deku in the face, the friend he knew was gone, only a new rival was left. Bakugo-"I AM YOUR FRIEND YOU FUCK". Deku-"Well relax my memories were erased when I joined the agency". Bakugo-"How did you remember the name Deku then!?" Deku-"We were told to pick a callsign, the name Deku just came to me". Momo-"What's a callsign?" Deku-"All callsign is a codename given to us, it was our name basically". Mina-"Like a hero name" Deku-"I guess so, everybody I knew called me Deku" Bakugo-"Alright, whatever where were you the past 11 years?" Deku-"I was a government agent of the Afterlife division". Lida-"Afterlife". Deku-"It was a program that kidnapped kids and trained them to protect the world from global threats and villians, we were trained to be soldiers". Ochako-"But what about your family, they just took you". Deku-"They just took us and wiped our memories, then they trained us" Shouto-" How long have you been training?" Deku-" 6 years" Bakugo-"Then what?" Deku-"Then...." Deku took a sigh, he remembered the 10 Augs that were killed that night, the pain, he still had the scars from the augmentations, Deku-"We were put into service, I was in the field for 5 years". Ochako-"You fighting villians since you were 10!?" Deku-"Yea, I guess so". Ochako-"Didn't you feel sad you couldn't see your family?" Deku-"I didn't know I had one, my team-mates were my family, my platoon had 30 people in it, they were all my family." Shouto-"How many are their still alive" Momo-"What kind of question is that!?". Shouto-"10-year-olds fighting villians for 5 years now, people are bound to die," Shouto said that is a sad look. Deku looked him in the eye, Deku-"We lost good people, but the lives we saved behind the scenes were worth it". Shouto gave a small nod to Deku understanding the message. Eijiro-" Dude you were SO MANLY in that fight, you didn't even use your quirk". Deku-"My quirk is an analysis quirk, its no combat oriented". Denki-"You kicked their butts, you gotta teach me your moves." Momo-"Why were you at USJ?" Deku-"I was given the mission to protect class 1-A from villians until you were ready to fight them yourselves, you would be surprised by the number of people gunning for you guys". The class was now heading towards the training area for combat training, while walking Ochako walked next to Deku, Ochako-"I want to thank you for saving my life twice" Deku's heart skipped a beat, he started to blush "Y-yea, no problem, I just did the right thing that's all" Ochako smiled back humbled by the boy. they students reached their change rooms they got into their costumes, Deku, on the other hand, wore a black shirt, combat boots and cargo pants. He had to hand in his kit to U.A for approval in hero work. As the students walked out Mineta snicked at Deku Mineta-"Are you dressing to be a hero or an edgey..." he was soon slapped by Froppy. Deku-"I haven't received my gear back from the support department yet". All the heroes were in their outfits, then right on time pro hero power loader walked in with a sleek black metal and carbon fibre suitcase and duffle bag. Powerloader-" I have an order for Deku". Deku waved and the pro hero tossed the duffle bag containing his M1911s and mags of various ammo, also in the bag was an M4 assault rifle with various ammo types just like the pistol. Powerloader-"I figured you would want a weapon with longer range than a pistol". Deku-"Thank you, this will help a lot". Powerloader-"A government official delivered a briefcase for you as well as a note with. Deku read the note "I thought you might want an upgrade theirs some experimental tech as well-Frost". Deku opened the briefcase and smiled, he went back into the change room to get ready. Eraser-"Today you will all welcome Midorya by fighting him all at once". Mina-"That's overkill". Bakugo-"He is gonna get crushed by me" right on time Deku came out, everyone's mouth dropped, Deku was wearing a black body glove woven with kevlar, the armour plates were covering his chest, thighs, shins, and arms with knee and elbow pads, they were made from the same material as the old ones now laminated with carbon fibre and had a thermal coating, making the armour still light yet resilient to extreme heat and cold and be able to absorb stronger blasts on force. On his belt were quirk cuffs, first aid items and magazine pouches for his weapon. One pistol was holstered on his thigh while the other was holstered on his chest plate. he wore fingerless gloves and a black scarf, Deku now also had a jump pack(like the pilots in titanfall). Deku then joked Deku-"Mineta your kinda right I do look edgy, ill change the colours a bit," he said with a smirk. Deku walked in the ring ready for a fight, his black mask was now retractable(Like Optimus prime) it automatically closed and Deku extended one of his new wrist blades which were energon blades.Deku looked at his classmates in stance,  Deku-"Let's go" 

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