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Izuku woke up in a small white room with a bed, table and chair, he looked down and realized that he was wearing a black tee with black combat boots and cargo pants, The floor then lights up as a green arrow pointing towards the door. He went out and saw a huge underground hanger-like area, jets were coming in and out, marching troops with a myriad of gear depending on what situation they were operating in, vehicles, weapons, so much money in one place (it's basically the base from the gi joe live-action movie). The floor of the hanger had a white and place skull which kinda creeped Izuku out. He then saw a bunch of little kids like him grouped up, he joined them and then the same man with the Beret appeared before him. " I am Col. Arthur, but you can call me HADES, I am the CO of the AFTERLIFE division, our mission is to protect the free world, we do not officially exist, we are behind the scenes, watching, waiting, and protecting. You are all members of my unit, I will turn you into the best or you will die, simple as that". The kids were shocked and confused, but they didn't remember anything, the only thing that they knew at that point was the Afterlife division. They were soldiers, and that's all they knew. "Before we begin your training you will need a callsign, its a codename and they only way you will be referred as from here on out, follow the arrows to the mess hall for food".

The kids moved along all of them thinking what to call themselves, Izuku thought on the idea, for some reason a name came straight to mind even though he had no idea what it meant. "Deku......, I like that name" Deku pondered. He then proceeded to the mess hall. After meals the training began, running, obstacle courses every day for hours, 7 days a week, wake up, train, eat, train, eat, study, eat, bed. That was the cycle. brutal beat downs from his instructors, hand to hand combat, marksmanship, interrogation training, history, politics, science, math, the art of war, you name it. Anything an elite warrior might need to know he got trained on. For years the cycle continues other kids began getting their new callsigns, either because they messed up or because the excelled in something, Deku soon started to sit with a group of kids he liked the most. 

SPRINTER: A kid similar to Deku but with jet black hair and pale skin, he was the fastest and people started calling him the sprinter, he liked it and always practised, he was shy put when the action started his switch was flipped and he was a good soldier, he enjoyed rush tactics specializing in CQC. 

Next person was BLAST, a short person for his age with blonde hair, he was actually quite polite and quiet, he was very into explosives both demo charges and weapons, able to do demo calculations  faster than some of the pros, if you needed something gone and collateral damage wasn't an issue Blast was your guy.  

HEADEST: telecommunications guru, African American skin, with short hair and slightly taller than everyone else. the guy spends more time on computers with headphones on than fighting, not to say he was bad at it, he was a born hacker, a literal genius, the upgrades he would do on your gear would make you forever in his debit, needs to work on his teamwork though, and not to bore everyone with lecture on AC electrical theory, and decryption. usually carefree unless it involves tech.

NAILS: Two words to describe this girl, hard, and determined. A fearless person with a whole you're locked in here with my mentality. Same height as Deku with short blonde hair. Hard as nails as one of the instructors said, not the brightest but she compensates for that with brawn and sheer will. Don't get in her way, because she has a tendency of beating people down with a military baton. Also tends to hit on HEADSET which makes him extremely uncomfortable.

There were times where it was painful, being treated as less them human, as machines almost, all they had were each other, they were the only family they knew. There were 30 kids together, all close even if they competed against each other and were rough during training, they all knew that they were all they got. Over time Hades began to respect the growing agents, there will, determination to be the best, and all so that they can protect the innocent, it pained him when he thought about the next phase of their training, these kids were to be the first batch of super soldiers, able to rival quirked villains, he knew that some won't make it, and it wouldn't be their fault. 

When the agents were 10 years old they were ordered to the medical wing, they were strapped down to beds and then Hades came to them. "You are all quirkless, believe it or not, the world is full of people way more powerful then you could ever be, so we will change you, augment you to become superhuman, it will be painful and people will die, that is all". Deku looked at his friends his eyes shared the same feelings as the 29 other kids, "Good luck" that was all he could say. Pain, that's all he felt, metal piercing his flesh and bone, he was screaming, they all were, it lasted 12 hours, 12 long hours of hell, it was safe to say that none of them wanted to live during those 12 hours. When Deku woke up all he could feel was the pain, nothing else. As the kids woke up they were clothing in there training clothes and were assisted in moving, they had to relearn how to walk, their bodies were bigger and stronger, they were thinking differently, aching. Nobody cared about them, not the instructors or the medical staff, to them they were tools, only Hades cared but he couldn't do anything, he had no real control after all.  When the procedure was over Deku checked around, his core group were all alive, he was thankful, but then he got sick and threw up, what saw him scarred him for life. 10 bodies.... 10 bodies of people he knew, people he ate with, trained with, people who believed in what they were doing, were dead. Blood leaking from their eyes, mouths, blood everywhere, the look of horror and suffering on their faces. 10 agents, no...., 10 kids died that day. They weren't given a burial, only cremated and their ashes disposed of, like trash, if any agents didn't think they were less then human before, that notion changed quickly. It only got worse from there, every none augmented personal, medics, officers, even older, experienced agents view the augmented kids as freaks, now referring them as its and things. In their eyes they were less than human, soon giving them the nickname AUG. AFTERLIFE. UNHUMAN.GUINEA PIG. After that day the 20 agents became distant, real-life missions began across Japan, maybe solo missions only, maybe it  would be the last time they were together.

Callsign: DEKUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora