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DEKU's OUTFIT above (green colour scheme)

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DEKU's OUTFIT above (green colour scheme)

As the team was about to exit the stairwell after walking down a few flights of stairs, Deku gave himself one last hit of painkiller to numb his aching left leg. He was extremely lucky, the bleeding was stopped and his leg still worked. He was able to apply a sterile bandage when the team stopped before going down the stairs. He squeezed the shoulder of the man in front of him, signalling that he was ready to move. The lead man kicked the door open as the augs cleared the room. Sweeping the corners with their rifles the walked into an empty space, the entire floor was completely empty. Deku was able to see the windows on the other side of the building with no obstruction in sight. The floor was a grey marble, polished and buffed into a perfect surface. The only noise they heard was from their own boots. Outside they saw the afternoon sun through the clear pristine glass. In the middle of the floor stood the last jammer. They already knew the laser defence system was in play. Deku-" No explosives this time," He said with a stern voice. Sprinter pulled out what appeared to be a small metal sphere Sprinter-"Emp out" He rolled the emp on the floor to the jammer, blue streaks of energy burst out as the jammer was disabled.

Deku-"All callsigns this is Trojan, we are go for phase 2 over"

Hades acknowledged and sent the green light to the hero forces staged for the attack. Inside the building, they could hear swat helicopters full of police and heroes heading for the roof. On the ground Ilda, Ochako, Bakugo and Shoto were mixed with pros and police and head to the main lobby. The other students were on assaulting the loading bay with their own pros and swat teams. A breaching charge blew the locked-down doors wide open as the group rushes in. Quiet, the lobby was empty, a huge reception desk in the middle was unmanned. Ochako-"Where are the bots?" she squawked over her headset. The swat members began scanning their sectors Shoto-"Something isn't right, it's too quiet" Ochako heard what appeared to be the soft whirring of a machine Ochako-"hear that?" As the team walked forward a huge minigun style turret popped out of the ground behind the reception desk Shoto-"GET DOWN!" as he used his ice quirk to make an ice wall to cover the strike team. Swat and heroes ducked behind tables using them as cover. Ilda zoomed around getting any stragglers behind the tables. Shoto began building a thick wall of ice as cover for the tables. The turret began smashing through the ice with its high-velocity rounds. "We're pinned!" a cop yelled. The floor behind the turret opened as a war machine came out of the ground, this one had much more thicker armour, it was slower and bulky than the old models. It began shooting the ice wall too.

Teams around the building were being engaged by turrets and weaponized robots. Momo created a super-strong wall for her teammates. The roof team was making their way down towards the augs. Deku's comms began to explode as the net was filled with people coordinating attacks and requesting for assistance. Pulse-"We need to move, they need our help!" The helicopter team ran in and linked up with the Aug team, Midnight and Present Mic were present. Before they could talk the door to the stairwell across from the heroes opened. There stood a humanoid robot with a long blade gripped in its hand.

Posted by  u/cosbolt B3 Wingman Gang (Reddit)

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Posted by u/cosbolt B3 Wingman Gang (Reddit)

A crude smile painted across its head unit. Deku activated his bio scanners in his helmet, what he saw surprised him. It wasn't a machine, it was armour, just like Deku's. Sprinter-"He's human!" he brought his rifle up, police and augs all trained their weapons at the target while midnight and present took up a fighting stance. The man tilted its head slightly and paused. Midnight-"Surrender now!" The man turned his head slightly to the left as if he was listening to someone. Then 4 more men like him came out of thin air, hidden energy receding from their bodies. Shield-"They got cloaking?! I thought we were the only ones with fieldable tech?"  Hazard-"Guess not," he said with concern in his voice. Whoever these guys were, they had tech even augs had. One thing was for sure this is something Deku has never faced before. The 5 "cloakers" charged Deku and his team. Deku used his jump kit to dash out of the way of one of the cloakers. The heroes scattered as the cloakers crashed into the group and started getting into 1 on 1 fights, It was absolute chaos. Operation Castle siege was supposed to be a rush attack, quick and clean. Instead, it became 3 separate chaotic battles happening at once around and in the building.

Callsign: DEKUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant