CH: 18 Aftermath

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The police were wrapping up the scene, the students were questioned and returned back into the dorms. Deku and Sprinter were questioned and sent off, Sprinter-"Hey Deku, you okay?" Deku-"yea, im just a bit tired" Sprinter put a hand on his friend's shoulder Sprinter-"It wasn't your fault, they knew the consequences of their actions and they chose death, if it weren't for you Ochako would have died" Deku simply nodded and both of them went up to the dorm to meet with the other students. Everyone was chatting about the incident but Ochako was nowhere to be seen. Deku-"Where is Ochako?" Lida-"Upstairs in the balcony, she wanted some alone time" Deku went up and saw Ochako leaning against the balcony rail looking up upon the stars. Deku-"Mind if I join you" Ochako turned revealing her teary eyes Ochako-"I-Im sorry Deku" Deku ran up and hugged her tight, Deku-"Why are you crying" Ochako-"I heard the conversation you had with him, you two were friends and Im the reason why you had to kill him" Deku-"No, your wrong, it wasn't for fault, he knew what he did was wrong, he wanted to die and he wanted me to do it" he wiped the tears from her eyes and pressed his forehead against her's Deku-"He lost the people he cared about and went down a sad path, I miss him and I will honour his and everyone else's memory by living the beautiful life they never could have, I can't do that with you being sad ok" Ochako-"Looked and smiled, Ochako-"Ok then" Deku grabbed her by the hand and walked back down into the common area what he saw flipped his shit.

Their standing in the hall was none other then HADES himself, the commander of Afterlife he was talking to the students about what happened, he looked up and saw Deku. Hades-"Agent Deku" Deku-"Don't bullshit me ok" Hades-"ok then" Deku-"How many Augs were wiped out in that mission?" Hades-"What missi-" Deku sends a hard-hitting punch into Hades cheekbone causing him to stumble back reeling from the blow Lida-"WHY DID YOU HIT HIM" Deku-"I told you not to bullshit me" Hades-"I guess he told you, it was an ambush, the enemy was packing too much firepower, if we sent for an extraction team more people would die" Deku clenched his fists Deku-"Did you at least try to go after the bodies in the end" Hades-"Why?" DEKU-"YOU BASTARD" he runs at Hades only to be pulled back by Sprinter Deku-"We did everything you made use do, we gave up our childhoods, our freedom, our families to fight your battles, we saved the world more times then I could count and you treat us like nothing, those agents, no, those kids died protecting the world and you don't even attempt to retrieve their bodies!" Hades-"You and the others  were assets and like all assets you are only worth a certain amount" Deku-"Your dead" Sprinter-"Deku stop, we can't do anything to him and you know it" Hades turned around Hades-"Enjoy your new lives, you definitely deserve that" and then he walked out. Deku pissed off punches the wall Deku-"That fucker" Sprinter-"You think attacking him will bring them back?" Deku-"We did everything we were ordered to, we suffered, we bled, and in the end, they didn't even get a proper burial" Deku calmed down and went to his room. Everyone followed suit.

Deku was in his room messing around with his body camera, the camera was always recording on when he was training to become an agent and on a mission, he archived all of the memory and he would watch the footage for him and everyone else train, eat and hang out together. He began to cry. Those kids were the only family he knew and they were all gone, personally, he blamed himself and the guilt was eating him alive. He heard a knock on the door he wiped his tears  and opened it, only to find Ochako standing, Deku-"Hey Ochako, what are you doing here?" Ochako-"I wanted to check up on you and.." she was the redness in his eyes Ochako-"Why were you crying" Deku a bit shocked Deku-"I-I wasn't crying" Ochako knew he was lying and walked in closing the door behind her. Ochako-"We both know that's not true, I heard everything remember" Deku-" I guess so" Ochako saw the laptop with the videos of the camera, she saw a bunch of young kids laughing and talking, Ochako-"Were they your friends?" Deku-"Yea" Ochako hugged Deku making him blush, Ochako-"Im so sorry" Deku-"Its nothing, really" Ochako-"If you want to cry, you can" Deku-"T-thank you" he began to cry in her shoulder, all the pain and loss was just flooding him Ochako only hugged him tighter. The boy she was hugging was a true hero, he saved her twice, took a bullet for her and gave up so much. She knew that deep down, she loved him. Deku soon stopped crying and looked at her Deku-"Thank you", Ochako wiped the tears from his eyes Ochako-"I have something to confess" she kissed Deku, Deku was shocked at first but then he eased in Ochako-"Promise me you won't die on me, every time I see you get hurt it hurts me too, I want to be with you" Deku smiled back Deku-"I promise" Ochako then lied down on Deku's bed, Deku joined her wrapping his arms around her, they both fall into a peaceful sleep.

Callsign: DEKUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora