CH 7: First day at work

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Deku got up and did his regular morning routine. But this time he wanted to go for a run, luckily for him the hero classes will be in campus all day, Deku has the class schedule so he knows what the class is doing, today would be combat training, Deku put on a shirt and sweatpants and began his run. 20 mins into his run he checked his watch, "20mins till class starts better get ready" Deku thought to himself, then wham Deku hits a soft object and lands on his ass Deku-"Ow, im sorry for running into you like tha..". Deku looked up only to see the girl known as Ockako standing in front of him apologizing profusely Ocahko-"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, Im so sorry". Deku-"Hey hey its alright, we both ran into each other". he said in a reassuring tone He noticed that the girl was in her school uniform Deku-"Why are you running?". Ochako-"I AM GOING TO BE LATE, class starts in 5 mins!". Deku-" Class usually begin in 20 mins for most schools, I think you're early". Ochako then took out her phone and checked the time realizing she read was early. Ochako"Huh, silly me," She said in a very upset at herself fashion. Deku-" Happens to the best of us, take care of yourself," he said with a smile and began to walk to the apartment. "This guy feels familiar", Ochako told herself, she looked up to ask the boy a question only to see him gone. After trying to look for him she gave up and went on to school. Deku got back to the apartment, put on his gear and set himself up on a building outside the campus. He brought with him an M40A5 bolt action sniper rifle with a suppressor, the U. A campus was massive he reasoned that assassins would use long-range attacks on the students during the combat training. Once he set up he waited, and waited, and waited. He was looking for any small details in the environment will trying to conceal himself. A few hours in he saw students walk into a building for the lesson. "According to the schedule its, a 2v2 battle" Deku mentally noted, he decided to pack up and move into the campus so if anything happened he could respond....Then it caught his attention, a glint of light 1km away in the campus in the urban area, the same area the students were in. It was with no doubt in Deku's mind that that was a scope glint, which means that was a sniper. He zoomed in on the target and zeroed his scope to adjust for elevation. He also compensated of the wind as well, His target was wearing all black like a ninja, with a mask, the sniper had his rifle aimed at the building the lesson was being held at. Deku had to make a call, he never enjoyed taking lives, but that doesn't mean he won't. Deku decided to go for a devils breath round. This round was lighter than other rounds, meaning it behaved differently than say a FMJ in the air, making a long-range shot difficult for Deku, Deku loaded the round and slide the bolt to chamber the bullet. He slowed down his heart rate by taking slow deep breaths, then he fired, the round took 4 seconds to hit the ninja in the face, knocking him out. Deku racked the bolt back, ejecting the bullet cartridge from the weapon, he picked up the weapon and ran to his target being careful not to sound off any of the U.A security systems. Once there he took the body to a secluded location strapping the ninja sniper to the chair. Then he sat on the table in front of the chair extending his wrist blades and beginning to sharpen the blades with a sharping stone. When the ninja woke up the first thing he sees is a tactical, masked Deku with Dark green sunglass, sharpening a blade looking back. Deku-"So you're awake". Ninja-"I will never talk!!". Deku-"You know if I had a Yen for every time someone said that, I could afford a nice bowl of ramen". Deku knew how to interrogate in 2 ways. Cause pain, or be nice. He personally preferred option 2 better. Deku-"Tell me what I want to know and you won't disappear from the face of this earth". Ninja"You don't fucking scare me, boy, I ain't afraid to die!!". Deku-"Who said anything about dying? No, we are going to put you in a prison".

Ninja-"That's your threat, hahaha, you cops are pathetic". Deku-"I am not a cop, I am part of the government that doesn't officiallly exist, have you ever been to a black site prison before?" Deku asked the strapped man, he smiled. Ninja-"No". Deku-"Then you will enjoy it, you see black site prisons don't official exist, and so will you if go there, you know in the program im in we practice interrogations on the inmates there for practice. You will never see sunlight ever again, and you will never be free". Deku looks at him with a blank face Deku-"If you tell me about your employer i'll make sure you won't get a life sentence and you will be in a regular government jail. Before you decide think very carefully, is your future worth some person who won't pay you because you failed". The ninja thought about it and looked Deku in the eye and said, Ninja-"My bag has a laptop in it, it has information on all my employers". Deku then got off the table he was sitting on and took out his sidearm loading knockout rounds in them, Ninja-"WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT KILL ME" Deku-"I never said that" an proceeded to shoot the guy's face knocking him out.

Deku: Deku to Haven over

Haven: Loud and clear

Deku: I have enemy intel on a laptop, 

Haven: Say no more Deku, ill send an agent to pick it up

Deku: copy that, Deku out

Deku left the area and went back to overlooking the students once done he went back to his apartment, he took a step in only to hear a voice. ???-"It's been awhile Deku" Deku turned blades out ready to fight until he saw who the voice was, Deku-"Sprinter?" he said is almost complete disbelief.

Callsign: DEKUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat