Ch 34: Left behind, but not forgotten

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Deku slowly opened his eyes redness at the edges of his vision he felt someone pulling,  dragging him by the plate carrier. He looked up and saw Sprinters face, a nasty cut along his left check bleeding profusely. Deku saw the helicopter. The helicopter was in shambles. The chopper crashed tail first with the propellers splitting off like flying swords, impaling walls and dirt. Sprinter pulled Deku to a storefront around 1 click from the crash site. Pulse, hazard, Crash, Hiro and the pilot were alive, surprisingly the structure of the crew compartment withstood the impact. Hiro was healing a bleeding gash on Crash's left leg.  Hiro saw Deku's condition Hiro-"My quirk can only handle one more causality, I'm going to need a day to recuperate". As Hiro treated Deku Pulse was talking to the pilot.  Pulse-" Name?"  Pilot-"Hawkins, I got my AR from the chopper survival kit but other than that I'm not much help here, I'm quirkless."  Pulse-"At least you have some combat training, does your kit come with a radio?" He shook his head   Hawkins-"Everything electric is fried, useless"  Sprinter-"Jump kits, energy blades, heads up display, all junk." Hiro finished treating Deku, weak from his quirk use he sat down by a table. Deku-"Thanks again Hiro" he looked over his team a few bruises but they were all combat-ready. Sprinter-" You know Hades rarely goes back for Aug survivors, you think he'll come back for us?"     Deku looked up to a dark skyscraper a few blocks away.     Deku-"No, but the teachers at U.A will, we will hold up and set up at a secure outpost.  The enemy emp'ed the city for a reason, it's safe to assume we're in hostile territory. Hazard, Crash recce that skyscraper, we will set up there. Use the high ground to get a good overview of the city."

Meanwhile 200kms away a

A fleet of evacuated ships and military rescue ships band together to support each other.  The 3 massive floating aircraft carriers acted as runways and the destroyers and other support vessels acting as makeshift heliports.  Ships from across the ocean of all nationalities came together to support the refugees.   China sending its hospital ships to create temporary accommodations and Canada sending its supply ships full of food and blankets for the refugees. Politics no longer mattered. This was the world's 9-11.   Ochako stirred awake as the chopper she was on shook with turbulence.  She was in the passenger hold full of her classmates and teachers. The co-pilot turned around and faced pro hero midnight. Pilot-" Eta 2 mins" midnight nodded midnight"-any word from the city?" Pilot-"negative mam. We lost all contact with the city. Even the last team on the ground failed to check-in"  midnight frowned with worry.  As she sat back down the students began to wake up and chat.  Ochako-"I hope Deku's okay" tusyu-"im sure he's okay, probably on another helicopter."  

As the bird touched down the students were processed into the medical wing of the Japanese Corvette "Orochi" the students were treated for their wounds and were temporary living quarters. Their class was drafted into a larger hero force on standby.    As the students waited in the lounge Ochako was nervous about him.  "Where is he?" She thought to herself. All might then entered the room with Nezu and the rest of the U.A staff.  Allmight-" Attention students. At 1600 hours we lost contact with the aug ground team including the flight crew assigned to them. This includes your fellow classmate Deku.  Afterlife and military forces are attempting to make contact.

"Momo-"Do we know what caused the team to go missing?"

All might looked at his student nervously

All might-"We have something to show you"

The lounge tv lit up as an image of a dark shrouded hooded figure appeared in front of a blood-red background.

?????-" for years we have clung to the shadows. Watching and waiting. Bearing our teeth as hundreds of weaklings and cowards achieve power and status, just because they were born with a freakish mutation. 100 years ago we were formed to ensure the world was lead by those who earned their place, the survival of the fittest. We will purify the ungodly mutations called quirks and return mankind to its true pure nature.  We are the purebloods."

The screen went black. The room was quiet, was this the group responsible for i-island?

Nezu-"im sure you all have questions since we have a 1-a student behind enemy lines we are on standby to retake the island with military forces. Certain Heros and heroes in training around the world are being drafted to take back the island including class 1-b. Get some rest. Work up training begins tomorrow".    

As the students went to bed Ochako climbed into her bunk. She closed her eyes and gave a quiet prayer. For her bestie back on the island. Deku and his team were set on a tall highrise. The stacked debris and office equipment to create a small fort. The broken glass provided a constant rush of fresh air. Deku was cleaning his rifle while enjoying the beautiful sunset. He thought about his dead comrades. He was lucky to be able to enjoy such things, why did he deserve to live while others died? He wouldn't hesitate to switch places with the dead. No. He couldn't think like that. He had people here alive. People he can save. Dead or alive he's going to bring everyone home.

Sprinter-"Deku you need to see this"

Sprinter was manning one of the few working rifles left. An MK11 suppressed semiautomatic rifle with ×8 scope. Deku layed on his belly next to his friend shouldering the weapon to use the scope. Sprinter guided Deku to the target of interest

Sprinter-" reference red 2 door car down the main street, seen?


Sprinter"target 4 ticks to the right side curb seen"

Deku"What the?"

Deku saw what appeared to be cars being pushed by an invisible force. The big puddle infront of the car began to ripple as if someone or something stepped on it continuously.

Deku"- did that car move on its own?"

Sprinter-"those cloakers from the building"

Deku-" we can't take on cloakers un--. Wait.  Do you hear that?"

A periodic thump noise could be heard as white figures began pouring out from the right side of the intersection.
Marching in the thousands. Splitting off into all 3 directions. 

Sprinter-"fuck its an occupation force

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Sprinter-"fuck its an occupation force. We need to call this least they don't have armour.

Right on cue black tanks rolled up behind the infantry units.

Right on cue black tanks rolled up behind the infantry units

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Deku-"...........Fuck me."

Authors note: im really sorry about not posting recently. I am in base and not able to get wifi often. Thanks again for all your support. I hope you all enjoy my work.  Stay safe everyone.


Callsign: DEKUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ