CHAPTER-17(truth pt-2)

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Alexandria's P.O.V:

As I ride aimlessly, after two or three hours I enter a familiar neighborhood. The same place which I wanna forget but find it impossible. They just come back and play like a movie in my head.

This is the same neighborhood I grew up in. The same neighborhood that held happy memories.

'Sometimes happy memories hurt the most'.

I rode even further. To her grave. I can feel my heartache. I never got the chance to see her the last time before she was buried.

As I walk through several graves I find her name. 'Annabel Rivera' was carved beautifully on the stone. Just beside hers was his. 'David Rivera'. Her husband.

They were such a cute and awesome couple. I always felt lucky to be found on their doorstep as a baby. Remembering them, a stray tear slipped down my cheek.

I just wish I wasn't such a coward back then. I wish I was brave and strong like I am right now.

I extend my hands towards their grave so that my palms are facing them. I whisper "aŕeos fĺòroiś".

Within a flash, a big bouquet of roses appeared. I placed them on their grave.

I say to him "you are right David".

"You are right!"

"I should've died instead of her".

"All she did was love and care for me, but I caused her death. If I wasn't a coward back then, she wouldn't have been dead. She would be alive. You both would be alive and happy. Everyone I love and care for die, because of me".

"That's not true" I hear an awfully familiar voice.

My eyes widened when I heard his deep voice. A part of me is scared that he will say the same thing. Then again other parts of me felt relieved, happy, safe. Happy and safe, these words were foreign to me.

I quickly wipe my tears away and stand on my feet to face him.

I look into his eyes. His ocean eyes. They held anger, fear, sadness. What is he afraid of?

He speaks again "those words you said are not true, Rose".

It's been days since I heard him call my name.

"You wouldn't say the same when hearing the whole story" I simply say keeping my usual cold expression.

"Try me," he says giving me a stern look.

I was taken aback by his response. I simply stared at him.

He quickly added, "you don't have to if you don't want to".

I realized and said, "no! It's not that, I'm just surprised that you want to know about my past".

He just shrugged with a smile.

I know that Rebecca made up the whole Asher and her having sex that night.

After my attack, I started thinking and something didn't felt right, even though my brain believed the scene my heart couldn't believe it, a feeling.

So I went to her house the next day to complete our project. As soon as she walked into the kitchen I used the same spell I used to find that Asher is a werewolf.

And my heart was right. Asher never entered her house that day. The guy who acted like him was a guy from my math class.

We sat on a bench nearby.

I asked him "how did you find me?"

"You should not worry Veronica so much you know" he answered my question indirectly.

"I don't like interruptions" I stated looking at him.

He raised his hands in surrender. I look up at the sky taking a deep breath.

"Walk with me?" I tell him.

And he follows.

"I was adopted. They found me on their doorstep. My mom loved me but my dad, he never liked me. He bought me all my necessities but never allowed me to refer to him as dad. He did everything to make mom happy. I was happy with it. One night his brother came drunk into my room. He-he kissed me. I pushed him away, out of my room, and lock it. I felt so disgusted. He started coming into my room at odd hours and touching me. I felt so disgusted, so useless. One day mom caught him in my room and warned him about telling dad. He left. Dad was away and will arrive tomorrow evening. I didn't want to be alone in that house so mom and I went out but were stopped by three men. They killed her. They shot her in front of me. It was too late when dad found us. The three men ran away. His brother blamed her death on me. He even got my fingerprints on the gun. He-he believed him. How could he? He raised me. He saw me grow. How could he not trust me? He didn't even allow me to see her for the last time. He threw me in a cell. He tortured me every day. Him and his brother. They whipped me until I pass out" I told him. I look at the empty sky to stop my tears.

"All they did was love and care for me, but you know what I did? I caused them their death. One day David found out the truth but it was too late. He came to me to apologize but the police entered at the same time and thought he was hurting me. But he wasn't. They-they shot him right in front of me". I, with a lot of efforts, control my emotions and not to cry in front of him.

Flashes of my nightmares cloud my mind "you don't deserve my care, you are a murderer, I hate you"

"You deserve to be alone and die alone".

I turn around to look at him.

I sigh heavily. I hate it when I can't understand what he thinks.

"Just say it already and leave," I say sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"That I hate you or how could you do something like that to them" I shrugged.

"Why do you think I would say that?" He asks as he raised his perfect eyebrow at me.

"Because that's what everyone does" I shrug keeping my face emotionless.

This statement got him shocked. Slowly his shocked expression turned into anger.

Why is he angry?

"Can I ask you something?" He asked confused.

I nodded.

"Why aren't you angry or avoiding me anymore? Why are you being so open with me like nothing happened?" He asked.

"I know you didn't and I believe you" I simply stated.

"How? Why?" He asked purely confused.

Before I could answer his question, out of nowhere seven wolves with blood-red eyes appeared.


Asher slowly walked close to me and whispered "run".

I looked at him and said, "I can take care of myself".

He gave me the look that says 'are you out of your mind'.

I smile at him "you'll see. You are not the only one to hide who you are, wolfie!"


Hey guys!

What do you think?

What do you think his reaction is?

Who is your favorite character so far?

Let me know in the comments.

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Love you guys!

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