CHAPTER -26(finally!!!)

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Third person's P.O.V:

Veronica flew and hit the wall with much force. Blood dripping off her face.

Her wounds weren't healing. They were supposed to heal in five seconds. But they weren't healing. More blood was pooling around her body.

Her face started to lose its natural color. Thats when realisation hit her like a slap.

He used a death spell on her!!!

As Lexi looked at Veronica, tears fell down her cheeks. For the first time in her life, she felt hopeless, useless. There was nothing she could do.

She felt weak. She felt like her life is being sucked from her.

Malcome's eyes shone brightly. A bright orb of light formed between them. Her magic. It kept on growing. He was sucking all of it, not even leaving any part of it.

Malcome placed an electric barrier around them so that they won't be able to disturb him.

Lexi watched as Asher came running to the barrier. Everything went by in slow motion. Once he touched the barrier he flew away and hit the wall, falling unconscious to the ground. There were burn marks all over him.

Her heart ached as she saw him fall limp.

Some of the witches and wolves attacked the barrier but met with the same fate as Asher.

Everyone looked lost. No one knows what's happening.

Veronica's breath shallowed. She was in her last stage. Her eyes slowly dropped. Her pulse rate keeps on dropping.

Malcome with his new powers flicked his wrist and everyone fell unconscious.

Lexi looked at Asher and Veronica. She sobbed. She whispered through the little strength she had "it's my turn now". Rage was building inside her.

She looked at Veronica, she was lying there lifeless. She whispered, " thank you, thank you for taking me in and for being there for me when no one was, I'm sorry Veronica for causing you this".

It started to become hard to breathe. Loss of magic was suffocating her. She looked at the bright orb in front of her. Her powers. Her life. She can feel how little power is left in her. Her grey eyes slowly turning lifeless.

She thought, 'is this it? Is this how I'm supposed to end?'

'All I wanted was a happy ending, is that too much to ask' she questioned herself.

A little voice in her asked her 'all you have been through, all the suffering, all the pain, all the grief, just to die in his hands, and let him steal your powers'.

'You have been through a lot dear, but now you have people who care, people who will die to save you, you should survive, for them, you can do this, you can kill him, it is your destiny to end him, now go save the people you love' Lexi smiled remembering what David said.

Aesira's voice played in her head 'remember, you are far more powerful than you know'.

Her head was pounding. She let out a piercing scream. She felt like losing her consciousness. Dark spots appeared in her vision. But she forced herself to stay awake.

She has no energy. But she forced herself. For her happy ending. For their happy ending.

She spoke, her voice cracking "all the pain I've been through is not to just let you absorb all of my magic".

Lexi used every bit of the magic that is left in her. She strained herself.

She spoke, "even if I die I won't let you harm them".

"who do you think you are, you are unfit to rule, these powers, you don't deserve all this, and one day you will lose control and this kingdom will fall apart" he scoffed.

"And if it's under your care, there will be only darkness, these people, they deserve freedom, and happy life" she spat at him.

She didn't want to rule, hell! she didn't even know about her being the heir to the throne until recently.

But she wanted the people to see the light, she wanted to see genuine smiles on their faces. Her people.

With the surge of energy she received from her new found motivation, the huge bright orb started to move towards Lexi.

Malcome noticed this and kicked her in the stomach. She coughed blood. New pain emerged from her stomach. She groaned in pain.

For a moment she was lost. Malcome gained and started sucking the rest of her.

The barrier Malcome created vanished.

They both were fighting, to win, to survive, to live.

She was worn out from all the torture she's been through before.

She could take time getting her magic back but there is no time nor energy. So she took the opportunity and decided to use it against him in its free, untamed, wild form.

This could kill everyone, even herself.

'At least they should have happiness and freedom in their life'. These words echoed in her mind.

'They gave me so much, this is the least I could do'.

She understood what was going to happen. She looked at their lying bodies on the ground. She gave them a sad smile, the thought of her not being a part of their happy life, her heart ached. A tear slipped down her cheek.

She formed a barrier around them. A bubble formed around them.

It's time to end this fight. She screamed again putting in all her strength.

Everything happened so fast. The bright orb of light, her magic exploded. Everything was wiped away by her magic, except the people protected by the barriers.

Her magic spread around like wildfire, going in and out, healing everyone.

Her magic roamed around, searching for their owner. As soon as they found her, it all sucked back into her.

Her natural skin color spread through her replacing the pale color.

'At least they can have a life full of light' was her last thought.



What do you think happened?

Do you think Lexi will die?

Do you think Veronica will live?

Who is your favorite character?

Stay ● Safe ● Everyone.

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