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Alexandria's P.O.V:

I was in an old basement. It seems like no one has been for a long time. It was covered in dust and spiderwebs. I was wearing a long-sleeved white dress which was torn a bit. Fear building in me. I can hear his footsteps. This made a cold shiver run down my spine. I can feel his footsteps grow loud and loud and loud as if they are right here. Suddenly someone opened the cell door. There it was the evilest laugh that made me bury myself deeper into the corner of the cell. But all my attempts went in vain when a hand got a hold of my hair and pulled me real hard into the light. My head started to hurt cuz of the way he pulled my hair. There were a fresh amount of tears running down my cheeks. I started pleading with him "please don't, please sto-" , I suddenly can feel a sting, a huge amount of pain in my stomach. I groaned. He punched, he punched me hard. I started coughing blood, " please please stop" I started to plead. He grabbed my chin roughly to make me look at him. MY FATHER. He spoke with pure disgust "it is your fault I've lost her, you are the reason she is dead, you are a murderer, and a murderer must pay".

I started shaking as I sobbed " I'm not, I'm not a murderer, please stop".

"Stop please stop I'm not a murderer".

I pleaded "I'm not a murderer, I didn't kill anyone ".

I suddenly woke up taking deep breaths. I was in my room on my bed not in a cell. I was completely covered in sweat. It's just a nightmare. It's not real. But god it felt real. To make sure I looked at my clothes. I was wearing my PJs.

I can still hear his evil voice " this is all your fault".

I let my tears fall, I feel so weak and alone like I was a mistake.

"Stop, please stop!" I whispered.

"I am not, I am not a murderer ".

Suddenly my room's door opened.

"Lexi? You alright?" asked Veronica.

I took a deep breath to steady my voice and answered " yeah I'm alright, just a nightmare".

She walked to me and pulled me into a hug. She said, "I won't let anyone touch a single hair, he is dead, you are safe, here, with me". She wiped my tears.

She smiled "now get ready and come down for breakfast, then we shall go shopping".

Veronica Everdeen was my doctor at first then she took the responsibility of being my guardian. Yeah, so I live in her house with her. Blond hair, cheery and bright, brown eyes. She is cool and rich.

Unlike me, grey eyes who lost their shine, ash-blond hair, dark circles, etc.

I nodded and made my way to the bathroom. I undressed for a shower. They are still there all over my back, and hands. The scars. They won't let me forget. All the suffering, all the pain. A tear slipped down my face.

Taking a deep breath I controlled myself.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I quickly took a shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Walking back to my room, I wore a long-sleeved floral top with blue jeans. All my clothes except nightwear, are long-sleeved. I can't let everyone see my scars. They reveal my pain, my suffering. There will be questions shooting at me from everywhere.

I sighed and made my way to the kitchen. I can smell the mouth-watering smell of pancakes.

There she was, cooking pancakes by listening to music through her earphones.

We are like sisters. She is the only one I have. Yeah, I have no friends. I don't want to be alone but having friends means knowing each other, knowing each other means knowing all the things I hide and try to forget. Well, can't risk that.

She even broke up with her boyfriend for me. For a stupid mentally unstable girl. I've always wanted to ask her, why did she choose me over her boyfriend.

As soon as she spotted me, she smiled at me.

I quickly spoke, "can I ask you something?"

She simply shrugged and replied, "sure, why not?"

I gave her a nervous smile and asked "why did you break up with your boyfriend for me?". My nervous look turned into confusion.

Her happy face fell. A wave of sadness and pain passed her face. She stared into an empty space and spoke in a pained and dull voice.

"He cheated on me".

~~~~~~~~~~~~》in the mall《~~~~~~~~~~~~

Veronica tried a lot of dresses. Phew, who thought shopping was stressful.

I, being myself, brought some more hoodies and long-sleeved dresses while Veronica brought some dresses and some crop tops...


So..... the very first chapter!!!!  how is it?

What do you think might have happened with her past? Whom did she not kill?

Is it good or bad or okay?

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I hope everyone is having a good day.

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