CHAPTER-9(meeting her)

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Alexandria P.O.V:

I was in the woods alone. Suddenly there was sound of leaves rustling. I looked around but no one was there.

Suddenly a beautiful woman appeared.

She smiled as she neared me. It felt nice when she smiled. The women came in front of me and she instantly hugged me. I felt so warm and nice in my heart. The same warmth since my mom died, in front of me. She looked at me by holding my face in her hands. 'You are alive' was all she said.

I woke up. It was all a dream. This was the fourth time I'm getting this dream. She always says 'you're alive' and smiles at me warmly. Then I wake up. I don't know why but I feel like I know her but can't remember. I don't know who.

There was a note saying.

'By the time the movie was over you were already asleep. I didn't want to leave you alone when you are so scared so I'm sleeping in your guest room. If you are scared or something just come in.'

Idiot he thought I'll always be scared. I'm not always scared. Once the movie is over I'll be back to my self again.

Suddenly the woman's face popped into my mind. I quickly took out my canvas board and started painting her face.

She has ash blonde hair just like me. But her hair was not long. She had pixie cut. Her eyes unique shade between blue and purple. She looked bold. I still remember how her face glowed when she saw me, like night of Diwali. The dark night filled with fireworks.

As soon as I finished her face, there was a knock on my door. Looking towards the source, it was Asher.

He walked in and smiled at me. But his smile faded away as soon as he glanced at my sketch. He walked to it and asked me "why do you have her sketch? did you paint her? why?"

I shrugged. He raised his perfect eyebrow at me. I sighed and spoke "I dreamt about her, you know her?"

He instantly spoke " no". He spoke way too quickly.

"I know you are lying " I stated with a blank expression.

"What did you dream about her?" He asked with concern.

I replied "do not answer my question with yours".

He grunted and spoke "I can't tell you who she is but I can tell you this that 'she was a great and strong woman, she helped us many times, she married a husband with the one she loved and had a son and a daughter, but one night they were attacked men"

I was concerned, I don't know why. I asked him "are they alright?"

"She, her husband, her son, her daughter. Everyone died. I don't know anything more, I was only two at that time" he explained.

I know he left some part out but I am grateful that he shared some part of it.

"What did you dream about her?" He asked.

I explained him everything, how she came to me, how I felt, what she spoke.

He seems confused.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why did she say that you are safe?'s get ready or we will be late for school " he is hiding something.

"But you don't have clothes " I stated.

He smiled and said "I do have them, in my car, I always keep a extra pair.....I....aaaa....have OCD..".

Why does anyone always have clothes in their car? I know he doesn't have OCD. The OCD people will not behave like him.

Asher, Veronica, everyone is hiding something from me. I'll find out soon.

I shooed him away and locked my door and took out long sleeved blouse and my jeans and my inners and made my way to the bathroom. After a quick bath I slipped into my clothes.

I don't know why but I took a picture of the woman I drew and stood in front of mirror. I applied some eyeliner and some lipbalm. I slipped my phone into my pocket and took my bag and walked to hall.

Soon Asher arrived to the hall. I was about to go to kitchen to make breakfast but stopped by his voice.

"No time to cook, let's eat out" he took my hand in his and literally dragged me out.

We soon got into his car. He drove fast. He stopped in front of a cafe.

We got out and made our way in.

Asher greeted the counter lady "hey Stella, how are you?"

They were having a conversation in which I was paying no attention. I can't help thinking about her.

I was brought back to my senses by Asher. I asked "what is her name Asher, the woman I drew on my canvas?"

He took a deep breath and replied "Aesira Hernandez".

Her name itself radiating power. I don't know why but I feel the need to know more about her. Something like we are connected.

Soon our breakfast arrived. He ordered cinnamon roll and waffles.

I can't stop thinking about her. All of a sudden realization hit me. She started appearing in my dreams since two days. So she will appear today also, hopefully. I'll ask her then.

I was brought back by Asher "what? You don't like waffles?"

I looked at him and shook my head 'no' and ate my food.

We soon reached school. Taking out my books, we made our way to the first class.



How is it?

Who do you think is the woman 'Aesira'?

Let me know in the comments.

Love you all...♡

His Broken Mate ✔︎ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz