"Phew! I am glad to hear that," lily grinned.


The dark night had taken over the glistening blue sky, the stars shone and twinkled in the dark giving life to the dusky hue that had covered every corner of the castle in its grasp.

The young witch was sat at the window peering at the beautiful sky. So many people preferred the day rather than the night as it was always more bright and blue but Fate, she had other opinions, to her the dark sky with its coldness brought a certain sort of peace to her, perhaps it was fact that she could hide in the dark from everyones view and conceal away from all of her worries.

She yawned and remembered she had not had her late night cup of coffee and grabbed the kettle kept near her bed.

Oh the joys of living at Hogwarts, the kettle kept refilling itself whenever it ran out and always kept the coffee fresh and perfectly hot.

She took a sip of the hot liquid, letting its bitterness seep within her taste buds.

Being in a calm and perplexed state all at the same time a thought walked its way in her mind.

if i am away, what if Tom gets a hold on the book i have been looking for, in these two days?—

Fate could not let that happen, not after all those sleepless nights she spend reading and reading soo many books.

but what can i do? Set the library on fire? Ha! i wish—

Despite the cup of coffee, Fate was now passed out with a book laying in her lap.

"Blood, blood is all i want to see below my throne! I am power! Everyone fears me! And so shall you!...Nagini, eat" a huge snake slithered towards Fate, its giant venomous fangs darted out as it latched at her.

"Ghuahh!" Fate jump awake gasping, her breath unsteady. Her hand promply slapped on her mouth to seize any noise.

"I-I just can not leave like this!" She mumbled to herself and got up in a hurry.

Pushing her hair behind her ear, she tiptoed out of the common room and speed walked towards the library.

okay time to make that wish come true—

She pulled out her wand, grasping it tightly she drew in a breath.

"Fystomio" As the spell left her lips, a giant lasso of fire emitted from her wand and encircled the first shelf the wand was pointed at, then the second one, then third and then soon reaching out to more of the wooden racks.

Now the entire restricted section was burnings bright with screaming orange flames.

Putting away her wand she ran back to her dorm, her heart thumping in her chest.

But as the door opened to the girls dormitory She started calming down, feeling her body go light she laid on her bed.

finally a good night sleep—

With those words, she felt all her worries slowly lift off her body, all tight tied thoughts about the horcruxes to her mind untied.

Finally feeling her body light as a feather, she closed her eyes letting slumber take over her body and drifted away from dark burning night.


"Fate! Fate wake up! The librarys caught on fire!" Lily jerked the peacefully sleeping girl awake.

"Wh-what!" She uttered half awake and half asleep rubbing her eyes.

"The library is on fire! And it won't stop! Headmaster is saying that it can not be fixed so easily, its going to take a about a dew days..."

"How many?"

"About...maybe three to four"

praise the lord!—

"Oh, thats bad...but meanwhile i will be at the orphanage so I won't really be here to read anything either way" Fate just shrugged.

"Yea i guess" Lily replied

After having some nice breakfast Fate was walking back to her dorm when suddenly a hand caught hers.

"In a hurry?" Toms smooth voice spoke.

"Yes, i am. Do you not want me me to go?" She looked at him blinking blankly.

"Oh believe me i so dearly wish that don't return..." he spat.

"But the thing is the library happened to caught on fire the exact day you are leaving or...should i say fleeing?" He spoke eyeing girl.

"Well I consider myself lucky actually, I won't have to sit around and wait for it to get fixed like you" she released her hand from his grip.

"Stay sharp Crysta my eyes are on you" the boy gritted his teeth.

"See you soon Tom" she left.


Fate was standing in front of her and as well as Toms orphanage. She walked in and was one again greeted by Nancy.

"Why hello Fate how are you?"

"Hey, im good." She replied and without asking her back, she walked to the rooms, peeking at the names outside the door to see where her room was.

Thankfully she didn't have to share her room with Tom but surprise surprise, his room was right across her room.

Walking in she closed the door behind her and dropped on the small bed in the corner of the room.

now all i need to do is to find an excuse to get out of this orphanage—

She got up and walked aimlessly as if she was trying to come up with a plan but her eyes caught on a news paper that was laying in the corner of the hallway. She randomly picked it and made her way back to the bed.

It was the muggle newspaper and as always everything was chaotic in the muggle world. She went on the next page and something caught her eye, making her slightly jump in shock and excitement.

It was a small heading that read Jobs;

"A baby sitter needed -..."


Guys i dont know how orphanages work so go along with whatever im writing and pretend its accurate.

Also sorry for the suuuuuper late update i have no excuse to make i hate myself too :)

Anyways enjoy.

-Lots love Ebee ♥️

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝐼𝑛 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 - 𝑇.𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin