Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Yori could feel Zero's eyes upon her throughout the day. Every time she moved her neck, she could feel his burning gaze on it. It being the place his teeth had sank in. A bright blush spread across her face as the feel of his tongue and lips against her neck flashed back into her mind.

'He still loves Yuki...' Yori suppressed tears and gripped the pencil. 'Yuki...' Yori shook her head roughly. 'I shouldn't be having thoughts or feelings like the ones I've been entertaining recently...'

Yuki sighed again and stared out the window. Growing impatience filled her.

'Hurry home, Kaname!' She rushed, bouncing lightly on her bottom. A slight pout graced her lips. 'Leaving right after our honeymoon. Meanie...' Four weeks had past since he'd left on business. This left the Princess nervous and jittery. Worry fried her nerves.

Suddenly, Yuki stopped bouncing. Her hands fell to her stomach. A funny fluttering feeling tickled her.


Yori and Zero stood side by side as they walked down the halls. Rumors and whispers followed them every step they took. Since the leaving of the Night Class, the new found relationship between Yori and Zero had been the topic of the school.

"I bet she stole Zero away from Yuki...that's why Yuki left..."

"No, no. He was Yuki's, but Yuki was obviously Kaname's..." Yori glanced over at him through the corner of her eye. Zero's shoulders held the tension his eyes shown.

Their words, Yori knew, held an inkling of truth.

'Zero is still Yuki's...I have no'

"Zero?" Yori whispered, her hand slipped onto his shoulder. She squeezed gently and dropped her hand. Zero turned his head with a slight smile. Yori returned it.

Dizziness swamped Yuki. Followed by a heavy doss of nausea. So preoccupied was she that she lost sight of the window and missed the car pulling up the drive. Out stepped her husband.

"Yuki?" He called as he pushed open the front door. His eyes landed on his pale wife sitting by the window. "Yuki!" He rushed to her side. She shook her head.

"I'm fine...." She whispered. Kaname's brow furrowed as his senses picked up another Pureblood in the room. No one else was in the room. Confusion swamped him. "I think..."

Zero stared at Yori, who stared at him. Yori broke eye contact a few seconds later.

"I..." Yori started, then trailed off. She sighed. "Do you.."

"Yori?" He tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Something bothering you?"

"What are we?"

"Partners." Zero answered automatically, attempting to hide his fluttering heart behind a wall of indifference.

"What kind?" Yori pressed. Zero sighed and grabbed her hand. Yori's eyes widened as he pulled her toward him. His lips pressed to hers as his arms closed around her waist. Yori tensed before relaxing into him. Her arms circled around his neck.

"That kind..." He whispered. Yori nodded.

"Good kind to be..." Zero laughed aloud. Yori smiled.

"Yuki...I think..." Kaname knelt in front of her. He opened his mouth and then closed it. His eyes boring into hers. "You're pregnant." Yuki's eyes widened. Her hands pressed to her mouth.

"My God..." She whispered. "We're...going to have a baby!" Kaname smiled genuinely. Yuki slid from the chair and into his arms. He sank off of his knees. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly. Kaname kissed her lips again and again. Their lips touched again and again as happiness washed through them.

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