Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Kaname Kuran was growing frustrated. Each time he tried to approached Yuki, she would run. At first, he'd been hurt. Especially when he learned that she had hinted to Zero what was affecting her.

"Nightmares," Zero had repeated. The curiosity in the man's eyes hinted that he was in the dark as to what these nightmares stared.

This frustration had pushed him to visit the Headmaster.

Now, he was watching as Kaien darted around the library, obviously looking for something. Kaname was aware that his presence was making Kaien nervous.

"What have you lost?" Kaname asked.

"Your journal," Kaien answered, attempting not to shy away from the Pureblood as he stood to assist him in looking. Anger coursed through the Pureblood. He had demanded that it not be touched by Kaien. Kaien had complied willingly. Too afraid to wander in the man's past.

"That's impossible. You have simply replaced it," he denied. Kaien laughed.

"It's sat untouched in this library since you handed it to me. I haven't even picked it up since!" Kaname cut his eyes at the man.

"You expect me to believe that you never gave in to curiosity?"

"I'm offended, Kuran." Kaien huffed, "I'm not a man to subdue to curiosity. Plus, what you have lived through would be to frightening for me to comprehend…" Kaname couldn't help but agree. He, himself, attempted to ignore his past and live in the present.

"Could someone have taken it?" He questioned. Kaien shook his head.

"No one else but us knew of its existence…."

"Who all has a key to your home?" Kaien paused.

"Yuki and Zero are the only ones…." His words sunk in. Horror washed over both men's faces. "My God…" Kaien breathed, "You don't think one of them could've-?" Kaname's face turned stony.

"It's possible…" he admitted, "Yuki has been acting strangely the past few weeks."

"But it only just went missing. Trust me, I check. Plus, neither of them has been here in five weeks…" Kaien couldn't suppress the sadness in his voice. Neither of his 'children' wanted to visit him.

"It's possible one of them could have come home without telling you…maybe sometime late…"

"The last time I checked was yesterday before I went to sleep and it was here…" He pointed in between two books. Kaname nodded. "Wait, you said that Yuki's been acting strangely?"

"Each time I try to confront her she runs," Kaien went to tell him that it wasn't much different from how she had been when she was child, Kaname held a hand up and continued, "she seems drained of everything. Emotion, energy. It's almost like she looks through me and not at me. These dark circles surround her eyes and they get darker everyday…" Kaien shifted in his seat. Worry for his daughter plagued every cell in his body.

The sounds of arguing approached.

"Will you just open up to me?" Zero yelled.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Yuki screamed back. "Just drop it!"

"I won't! I'm not giving up on this! Damn it, Yuki!" The office door flew open. A fuming Yuki and enraged Zero greeted Kaname and the Headmaster. Yuki stopped dead at the sight of Kaname. With her emotions carefully in check, she let her eyes wander to her father. One look at his face told her, he knew. Yuki sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Zero grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. "Answer me." He growled. His eyes flashed red. Kaname and Kaien stood from their seat. Yuki glared up at him as his grip tightened.

"It's none of YOUR BUSINESS!" Yuki screamed. Zero stumbled back as if Yuki had slapped him. Yuki's anger deflated at the look on Zero's face. "I'm sorry," she whispered looking away from him, "it's something I need to figure out on my own…" Yuki stepped toward the wounded boy and placed her hand on his forearm. Zero brought his eyes to hers. "I'm not saying that I don't need you anymore by not letting you in. I'm saying that you have to trust me to do this myself. I'm not a child anymore. I can handle some things on my own…"

"But when it's killing you?" Zero whispered. He raised his hand and gently touched the circles underneath her eyes. His hand fell from her face with a flop. Yuki smiled up at Zero.

"It's not killing me." Zero scoffed. Kaname cleared his throat, re-alerting the teens that they were not alone. Yuki turned toward Kaname slowly. Her eyes intentionally focusing on her father. "Well, Zero, you're the one that drug me here. I suggest you get on with it." Yuki nudged Zero. Zero glared over at her.

"Headmaster, I'm requesting that you take Yuki off the guardians for a little while." Yuki snapped her head toward Zero. "At least until she figures out whatever she needs to figure out." Kaien smiled.

"I agree," Kaname whispered.

"I wasn't aware this needed your approval...” Zero sneered. Yuki rolled her eyes. Kaname didn't spar Zero a glance. Kaien nodded his head.

"Very well," Kaname and Kaien shared a glance, "Yuki…Zero…has either of you been in the house since yesterday?"

"I haven't," Zero answered. All eyes turned to Yuki. Yuki pushed her hand into her pocket and withdrew the journal. Kaname's mouth fell open slightly in shock. Kaien's eyes widened.

"How much did you read?" Kaname asked, an obvious strain in his voice.

"All of it."

Those words alone had the power to nearly bring Kaname Kuran to his knees.

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