Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

As she watched the man she loved and the man that had been her best friend walk down toward the large black car, she prayed that both would return home safely and that they would not kill each other. Yuki sighed slightly.

"What am I going to do now that they're gone?" She asked herself. Then laughed lightly. "Yori!" With her best friend in mind, she stood from the window seal and walked toward Yori's room-only to find Aido blocking it. He smiled deviously and held up a pile of books. Yuki groaned lightly.

"You've got to learn it, princess, so suck it up," he snarked. Yuki huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Fine...." She groaned. At this moment, Yori opened her bedroom door.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking between Yuki's sullen form and Aido's smug one.

"I'm having to learn..." Yuki grumbled. Her reward was Yori's laughter. Despite her soured mood, Yuki could not help but smile. Yuki snuck a quick glance at her pencil-driving tutor. Surprise colored her gently as she realized that he too was smiling at her friend's amusement.

"What are you having to learn now?" She asked, her toffee colored eyes trailing the spines of the large tomes in Aido's hands. "Seems interesting..."

"If she can make herself concentrate on anything but daydreams for a minute..." Aido mumbled. Yuki blushed lightly while Yori tilted her head to the side.

"I don't recall you ever daydreaming when Z-Zero tutored you..." Yuki could feel the figural knife bury into her heart at her friend's stutter. She smiled sadly.

"Yes, he was scary," Yuki lightened, "Aido over here is like a giant teddy bear."

"HEY!" Aido yelped. Yori smiled and patted his arm.

"It's okay! She just gave you a compliment!"

"Really?" Aido asked, turning toward Yori with a confused look. Yori smirked.

"Yup, you're a child's play thing!"

"Priceless!" Yuki laughed. Aido's eye twitched erratically at the comparison while Yori only laughed at his expression.

"Don't think you're getting out of studying..."

Both men watched the trees as they flicked past outside of their windows. Kaname Kuran and Zero Kiryu had nothing to say to one another and even if they did, they probably wouldn't even bother. The tension inside the car was so thick that even a near blind man could probably see it. Kaname's tight shoulders and Zero's white fists spoke that there were many places the other wanted to be. But both were resolved on one thing: This was for Yuki.

Zero, while acting as though he could no longer stand the sight of her, knew that somewhere inside of him that same longing lurked. Her smile still sent a surge of happiness through him and try as he might to deny it-his heart still called her name. "Yuki" was it's steady beat. For a moment, he allowed his pale lavender eyes to pass onto his enemy-turned-temporary-ally.

Kaname Kuran knew of the Level D's eyes on him and met that gaze equally. The Level D vampire hunter did not back down instead asked one thing:

"This man...Yuki and you...say can cure me...what is it he requires?"

"A noble reason and the blood of a Pureblood." Momentary surprise widened Zero's eyes. Kaname sat unmoved. "A small amount I mind you. You've taken more blood than this would require from Yuki." Zero wanted to gag. The way this...filth...spoke Yuki's name sickened him. Such affection and love colored the man's tone raged a jealousy nearly eleven years kept inside him. He swallowed back his rage and anger.

Yuki was not meant to be his.

She was not meant to love a man so doomed to a fate as dark as night. A man to die as the worst of beings-a Level E.

And by the smarts of her kind heart, Zero thanked the Lord he prayed still listened to him that she did not love him so desperately, so deeply as he had once-and still-loved her.

"Why Yuki would want to go through this painful process is unknown to me..." Kaname stated, a slight hint of boredom colored his tone. Zero's eyes widened. "Then again, her kind heart knows no bounds..."

In the silence that had once more fallen upon them, Zero couldn't help but admit-he could not agree more with the Pureblood's last words. What he had not known was that Kaname had heard every single thought the man beside him had had about his Yuki and the man's love for her.

The saving comfort he afforded was that she was with him and not the vampire hunter beside him. But ever-so present was the thought that Yuki had been willing to torture herself for Zero. That, he knew, meant something. Kaname feared the possibilities.

"Who will watch Haruka?" Yuki asked stubbornly. Aido smiled.

"Ruka will."

"But he's my child! She shouldn't have to watch him!"

"You also have your responsibilities as the Pureblood Princess." Aido reasoned, grabbing her by her arm and pulling her toward the library.

"I'm just going to go watch Haruka with Ruka..." Yori mumbled before setting off toward the bedroom Yuki shared with her husband. Her best friend's tiny miracle lay in the middle of a blood red crib. Yori couldn't help but smile.

When they had attended the academy together, Yori had believed that she would be the one to have children first. A small sadness fell over her. But then again, she had also believed that Yuki would marry Zero and she would marry some nice man that came along. A lawyer, she recalled, hoping for.

'How wrong I was...'

Yori had never been the silly type of girl that dreamed of weddings or future husbands. She prided herself realistic. At that time, Yori never imagined Kaname acting on the attention he showed for Yuki nor had she imagined Yuki being anything more than what she was-human. A small sigh escaped her lips.

'Life threw me for a whirl...'

Yori's eyes never left the small child curled in the matching red blanket. She smiled gently as he yawned-revealing small fangs. The child blinked at seeing this new person hovering over his crib, then smiled as if he recognized her as the girl from before. He cooed happily at her and kicked his strong legs.

"You sure did develop muscles fast..." Yori commented as she tugged the boy in better. As if he understood her, he kicked out gently. Enough to shock her, but not enough to harm her. Yori smiled. "I wonder who you'll be like...your father or mother..." For a moment, she imagined the child smiling and cheerful like Yuki. This image brought a smile to her lips. But as quickly as that vision came, it melted into the child becoming just like Kaname-serious and silent. She frowned and patted the baby's small legs. "End up a happy little boy...not all serious and a loner..." Once more Haruka cooed and threw his hands into the air widely. And once more, Yori smiled.

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