Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Later on that night, Yori and Zero lay in their bed. Zero lay awake reading and Yori lay thinking. Silence had long since fallen over their room. Finally, Yori broke it.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to be intimate?"

Zero's lavender eyes widened at her question. As his hands fell slack against his legs, so did the book.


"Don't make me repeat myself..." Yori mumbled. Zero nodded.

"It's not possible for us..." Zero whispered.

"Why not?" Yori demanded.

"Because I could harm you!" Zero declared angrily. Yori huffed.

"How is it any different than taking my blood? That's a form of intimacy! And I'm constantly in danger there too!"

Across from the hall, Yuki tensed. Her friends argument had reached her sensitive ears. Her eyes strayed to her child still asleep in the crib. She smiled and stared at her baby boy.

"Then you should understand why we can't!"

"Why are you so against it?" Yori stared at him for a moment before the answer suddenly came to her, "You're worried about draining me, aren't you?"

"Now you get it..." Zero mumbled.

"I know girls bleed during their first time, but you don't have to worry about that with me..." Zero and, even though unaware to the two, Yuki gasped in shock. "My hymen was broke a long time ago. Not by a male to say...but by training. I'm sure the same happened to Yuki when she was training to become a Guardian..." Zero fell silent as they both stared at each other.

"The answer is no, Yori. We can't..." With that Zero stood from the bed and walked out the door. Yori screamed into her pillow in frustration.

Yuki waited until Zero had long since left the house before slipping into her friend's room. Yori had been staring at the ceiling but had looked over once the door opened.


"I think I might have a solution to your problem..." Yori's eyes widened in horror.

"You were listening!"

"Yeah, well, you weren't exactly quiet about it..." Yuki commented as she sank onto the bed beside her. "There is this man that I know of. He can turn Level E into a Level C." Yori tilted her head in confusion. Yuki smiled gently. "Level C is when they are no longer at risk of falling to a Level E and losing control of themselves. A Level D is the closest to a Level E a vampire can get, so hence the skipping." Yori nodded.

"Where does he live?"

"Northwest of the castle. I'll take Zero and you there if you would like." Yori nodded and hugged her friend.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Yuki laughed lightly and patted her friend on her back.

"You're welcome," Yuki whispered before parting from her friend and slipped out of the room. A thought occurred to her that made her turn around and reopen the door. "Kaname does not know I know of him. Please don't speak of this around him..." Yori nodded and once more Yuki parted from the room.

Yori smiled and flopped back onto her bed.

'Not only will this remove a lot of Zero's worries, but it'll help me too!' Yori grinned happily.

Yuki shook her head as she walked back toward her room.

'I never told I'd see the day that I would be helping Yori get laid...'

All did not know that their moments of happiness and safety were quickly coming to an end as a man awoke from his sleep.

In the town not far from the Kuran Manor, a sinster evil stirred. One name on his mind and a killing intent in his eye.

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