Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kaname stood over the alter with a pained look over his face. His eyes moved upward to the huge moving metal. He then turned to the one look. The future vampire hunters. The very people his beloved had sacrificed herself for, given her precious blood too. He gave them a warning Yuki couldn't hear then disappeared into the night.

Yuki Cross shook herself from sleep with a sigh. Those types of dreams became a reoccurring visitor to her nightly routine. Now, she was awake before Yori and always alert in class. The dreams, it seemed, were affecting her physically as well as mentally.

Yuki, for the first time in years, found herself afraid to fall asleep. Yuki drug through her morning routine without the usual spunk. Dark circles were appearing underneath her eyes. As she walked toward the school building, Yuki thought of the first dream.

The first dream had come three nights ago. It had been Kaname as it had the last. Except this time he was being exiled from a village of humans. Sadness lurked in his eyes as they cast him out. A woman had appeared in front of him and taken his hand. She'd shown him a world he knew. A world that welcomed him. She had forced him to take her blood. Had forced him to take responsibility beside her.

Yuki had woken up crying that night. Emotions ran through her like a tidal wave. Never staying on one for long. They varied from sadness, to rage, to disbelief, and finally rested on confusion.

The day passed by quickly. Yori didn't need to tell Yuki to wake up or remind her about nightly patrols. She was already out the door before the Day Class fan girls had the chance to reach the door. The girls seemed to sense the change in the female guardian. They avoided her and did as she asked in fear of her exploding. Zero watched with worried eyes from his sector.

The first time Kaname had seen her, she had forced a happy smile and attempted at normal conversation. Now, the rouse was slipping. Fatigue showed in her eyes and movements.

The gates swung open. The girls automatically starting screaming and pushing past

Yuki. She fell to the girl with a small groan. Kaname instantly rushed to help her. As he held his hand out to her, he watched as she slowly lifted her eyes up to him. Seeing him, but somehow seeing past him. This continued even as she stood to her feet.

"I'm sorry, Kaname..." Shock washed over him as he realized she had dropped the honorific. If possible the girls' jealousy grew. The Night Class grew impossibly quiet, even Zero seemed shocked about this new development.

Yuki ignored the girl's glares. She spared the man who had saved her a brief smile before setting her eyes onto the girls. They jumped back at the emptiness in them and backed away. This was not the Yuki they knew. This Yuki was foreign territory they dared not cross.

"Kuran, class has started..." Zero stated as he stepped toward Yuki. Kaname cast a worried glance in Yuki's direction before parting with the Night Class. As soon as they were out of sight, Yuki turned on her heel and began patrol without a word. Zero's worry only spiked by this action. She hadn't even blushed at Kaname's offer.

'Something is seriously wrong,' Kaname and Zero agreed.

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