Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

During the weeks that followed, Kaname and Yuki, along with several members of the Night Class, left Cross Academy and settled in one of the mansions the Kurans had built. Leaving behind Zero and Yori had left Yuki depressed and sad. Zero's words still bounced around in her head throughout study:

"The next time I see you, I will kill you..."

His words had wounded her more effective than any knife ever could. Even worse, Yuki's actions before parting had shaken Kaname's normal stoic resolve. Not only had see kissed her friend, but feed from him at his request. Kaname had barely spoken a word to her and had left for business soon after arriving at the mansion.

Hanabusa Aido let out an annoyed sigh. Yuki's attention was elsewhere once more. He had thought she would have cried leaving her friends behind, but she walked beside Kaname with a stone face. His respect for the girl across from him grew each time he looked at her.

"Why do I have to study this?" Yuki asked. Aido glared at her and opened his mouth to retort. Yuki effectively cut him off, "I've seen all of this and more through Kaname-sama's memories!" Yuki burst. Irritation and anger rose to the surface. "I would much rather be learning how to control these damn powers!" As if to prove a point, the bookshelf by Aido's head exploded. Pieces of books and wood rained down on them as if confetti. Aido swallowed. Yuki's eyes left Aido's blue ones and stared at the floor. Ashamed at her outburst.

"I can't teach you that..." He whispered, "only Kaname-sama can.."

"You've had all your life to learn how to control your adapt to this..." Aido said nothing. He'd known that her hunger was sparking emotions within her. Commonly it was anger. "Leave..." Yuki demanded. Aido stood and did as she wished. Afraid to anger her further.

'At this moment, I'm more afraid of her than Kaname-sama. She is unstable with power. Kaname-sama has had time...'

Jealously and rage still boiled within him even after five weeks from leaving. The memory of her kissing and feeding from the one he hated most was still fresh. This made his job easier. He had taken out the whole council and another Pureblood by the name of Sara. Shame flushed through him.

'I came close to cheating on Yuki with that now we are even...' Kaname could still feel her hands ghosting over his chest. He shuddered.

'I'm being cruel...I have forever with Yuki...' He reasoned as he stepped into his house. The sight that greeted him both enraged and worried him. Aido sat at the white couch. His face pale and ear bleeding.


"She made me leave..." Aido answered, not looking at Kaname. Ruka sat on the arm of the couch.

Kaname walked on, ignoring Ruka's hopeful looks, to Yuki's bedroom. When he opened the door, she lay on the bed.

"Hey..." She whispered. Shame still clung to the air. "I can't believe I exploded a shelf...I hope none of the books were important..." Kaname chuckled and shut the door. She looked up at him. "I..." She trailed off and curled her hands into fists.

"Yuki...." He sank onto the bed beside her. "I've come to a decision..." His eyes softened at the fear on her face. He raised his hand and stroked her check, "I have forever with you. If you'll have me."

Yuki tackled him to the bed. Kissing his face. Her arms wrapped around her waist. Her hips balanced on his as she sat back.

"Of course I'll have you. How silly!" He smiled and stroked her hair. Her hands rested on his chest. A breeze came through the open window.

His smile fell as Yuki's body tensed.

Sara's perfume had reached her.

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