Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Being pregnant with a vampire child was so much more different than being pregnant with a regular human child. Yuki and the remaining Night Class members figured this out quickly in the weeks that followed the news. Morning sickness, cravings, and mood swings rocked Yuki's body faster than that of a human pregnancy. Aido scrambled to get the demanding Princess what she craved.

The Night Class knew one thing: Kaname was lucky he was away on business and they couldn't wait for him to return home. Yuki's blood lust was growing with every passing week. Finally, when they believed Yuki would go insane, Kaname Kuran walked through the front door.

"Go up there! Go up there, now!" Aido pleaded.

"Aw...what's the matter, Aido? Can't handle a pregnant woman?" Ruka drawled. Aido turned toward her as Kaname bounded up the stairs.

"Says the female that runs from her each time she's coming down the stairs..." Aido mumbled. Ruka flushed with embarrassment while Kain just shook his head.

As Kaname pushed the door open, he was taken by surprise. His wife had a baby bump. 3 months along, he guessed. Yuki cut her red eyes toward him angrily. He raised an eyebrow and stepped toward the bed they shared. She glared even harder as he sank onto the bed next to her.

"What are you angry with me for?" Kaname asked finally. Yuki motioned toward her belly.

"You got me pregnant!"

"It takes two to tango, love..." Kaname chuckled, "now feed, it can't be healthy for the child..."

"Then come home more..." Yuki grumbled before biting into his neck.

Later after she had fed, he would tell her where he had been and who he'd been to see.

Yori leaned against the heavy metal doors and watched as Zero tore apart a target piece. Anger and frustration made his shoulders tense. Kaname Kuran had been to see him. With every pull of the trigger, Yori felt worse and worse for the target, but he was without a doubt an excellent shot.

"You're good at that, you know..." She commented airily as she bit into the apple in her hand. Zero snorted and turned to her. He held the gun by the tips of his fingers and asked:

"You wanna try?" His lavender eyes danced with amusement as Yori stared at the gun then at him. She shrugged before stepping toward him and the weapon in his hand. With shaky hands, she pulled the gun from his fingers and held it as she had seen him hold it before. "Loosen your shoulders..." He whispered in her ear; his hands fell to her shoulders and slowly messaged. A blush spread across her face as she stood strong. Slowly, she began to pull the trigger. Yori jumped at the bang that echoed through her ears. The bullet had just nicked the shoulder. Zero laughed. Yori huffed and set herself again. She took aim and pulled again. This time she kept steady at the bang. The bullet sliced through the manikin's head. Zero raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You're definitely a better shot that Yuki was. She couldn't even hit the shoulder..." Yori laughed.

Unplanned, the memory came back to Zero:

Zero pushed the gun in his partner's hands as she walked toward him. Yuki stood the way she would naturally. Zero rolled his eyes.

"You're standing wrong," he mumbled, before slipping his leg in-between hers-spacing her feet out. Yuki let out a startled squeak but said nothing. "You're arms are to low, you'll hurt yourself if you pull the trigger now..." He slid his hands across her arms and straightened them out. "Keep a firm grip on the gun and pull the trigger slowly." He instructed.

Yuki's tongue poked out from in-between her lips as she looked down the barrell of the gun. She did as he had said. Only to miss. She huffed angrily and tried again. Miss. Again. Miss. Again. Miss. Zero couldn't muffle his laughter any longer. It burst free as he sank down the wall. Yuki spun on her heel toward the noise. She lowered the gun to her side and stared at her laughing friend.

"You were threatening to shoot me that day..." he breathed, "you can't even hit a piece of paper!"

"Shut up..." Yuki huffed, the anger in her tone didn't match the smile on her face. Zero was laughing....and to her...that was all that mattered.

"Are you going to take the job?" Yori asked, pulling Zero out of the memory. Zero sighed and leaned against the wood of the shooting range. The hope in her eyes was enough to make him say yes, no matter how badly his heart screamed for him not too. He wasn't ready to see her again, but the look in Yori's eyes-that pleading, loving look-made it so hard to refuse.

"Yes..." He breathed. "But you're coming with me..."

"I wouldn't have it any other way..." Yori answered.

"You will protect Yuki in my absence..." Zero gritted his teeth again as the insolent prick's demand came back to him. It was not a request. Once more, Zero Kiryu was becoming a pawn, but this time, for the hopeful woman standing in front of him.

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