Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Yuki's eyes widened.

"Today!" She burst. Her exclamation, instead of being a scream, came out as a barely heard squeal. Kaname only stared at her. "B-bu-but I don't have a dress or anything!" A sneaky smile spread across his face. Yuki's eyes became wider. "You sneaky little devil!" Kaname laughed. Yuki became dazed and forgot about her anger. He slipped his hand across her cheek and whispered:

"Any other objections? Because I assure you, I have all of the arrangements done..."

"When did you get the time to arrange everything?" Yuki whispered as she stared at him. He nuzzled her with his nose.

"I've waited ten years to have you back in my arms, it gives one a long time to fantasize..." Yuki blushed brightly. Kaname's eyebrows rose, then a wolfish grin spread over his face. "About that too..." He chuckled gently as her blush darkened.

"Shut up..." She mumbled. "Pervert...." Kaname rose his eyebrows again. Yuki avoiding looking at him. He chuckled and pulled her toward him. The playful air between them turned heated.

"I intend to live up to any fantasy you've ever had..." Yuki blushed darkly at his husky whisper and looked at the ground.

"You must be good then..." She spoke aloud, then groaned as she realized what she had done. He laughed once more. He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. She blushed and smacked him across the chest.

'I don't know whose worse, him or Zero...' Yuki buried her head into Kaname's chest, hoping to hide her sudden sadness.

"I could never hate you..." Yuki bit deeply into her lip as his anguished face flashed into her mind accompanied by his heartfelt words. 'You really believed you never could...I wonder how you feel now...that I'm the thing you hate above all...'

Yori leaned against the stale door. The Guardian sleeve on her left arm. Zero lounged on hay just a little ways away. She closed her toffee eyes.

"Zero?" She called gently. Her only answer was the sound of his clothes rubbing against the hay. "Are you hurting too?" Silence answered her. A bittersweet smile crossed her face. "I want to be angry. I want to feel something other than sadness. All the time we spent with one another and she never once confessed what the nightmares were about. I understand the Night Class' secret needing to be kept that way. But..." Her eyes widened as a hand fell on the top of her head. She looked up at the lavender eyes of her fellow Guardian.

"Don't ponder on'll only hurt worse..." Yori stared at him before smiling slowly. The smile made Zero's eyes widen. Her once plain face lit with beauty.

"I'm here for you..."

For the first time since Yuki's leaving, he felt a sliver of hope.

Kaname kissed her forehead gently as he sensed the change in her mood.

"Are you sad?" He asked gently. Yuki pushed away from his chest and pasted on a fake smile. She shook her head.

"No, it's just slightly shocking. I mean I always expected us to get married..." she blushed brightly and her eyes widened, "I mean not when I was human but you know, I always knew it was going to happen one day. My marriage I mean. I just never thought that it would be with you when I was human. I kinda hoped for it, but..." Kaname was now smiling gently at her. His hand caressed the smooth skin of her cheek. "You're amused by this aren't you?"

"You're cute when you ramble," he commented. Yuki smiled and snuggled deeper into him.

"What prompted you to set the date for today?" Yuki asked.

"I can't wait a day longer..." He answered, his hand slid to her neck, "I've waited ten years for you to come back to my arms and now that you're here, I have to have you as my wife..."

"But I just only learned that we were engaged!" Yuki burst. Kaname lowered his hand to her shoulder.

"Do you believe I'm rushing it?"

"Well, you do have me forever. But I feel the same way you do. I mean, even after you saved me, I felt an unbearable connection. A longing, I guess, to be with you..." Kaname smiled and continued his exploration of her neck. "Every time I saw you coming down the road, my heart would sped up and I would have to get close to you. Just to get it to slow down and even then the littlest things you would do made it start up like a hummingbird's wings again..." Yuki was lost in memories now, not holding back her feelings any longer. "I remember thinking 'he's so nice' or 'he's so pretty'. I admired you. I don't think I quite knew at that time what a crush was. As I got older it became 'I think I love him...' I'd already passed the whole crushing on you thing..."

"The walls?" He asked questioningly. "It seemed every time I would attempt to approach you another wall higher than the first I'd knocked down would purposely but distance between us..." Yuki blushed.

"Ah, yes..." Yuki whispered, "you were so different to my human self. I knew that. I wanted you, but at the time, was afraid to reach for you. Afraid to confess to you just how much I felt for you. You were the one closest to me, yet the one so far away..." Yuki absentmindedly began to trace patterns on his chest, "When the dreams started, I couldn't believe it. I'd dreamed of you all the time, but never like that. You looked so broken as you reached for the pearls that used to be Akio...I wanted to reach out to you and take your pain away. Then as they progressed, I saw it all. Everything...the vampire wars, the wedding, my ancestors-your children, their marriage and their children, you inducing a coma onto yourself-to broken to live without your first wife," Kaname closed his eyes and leaned into her body, as he prepared himself for the next memory all over again, "Uncle Rido bringing you back, your coping with Momma and Papa, then my birth. Up to the moment I awoke in the snow..."

"No one knows me like you do..." Kaname whispered. Yuki laughed.

"I suppose so, huh..." Yuki smiled against his neck, "I know you inside and out now!" She could feel Kaname's smile against her own neck, then his tongue dragging over her throat. A bright blush spread across her face. His teeth sunk into her neck once more. A strangled noise worked it's way up through her throat. Her hand rose to his hair. "You know," she whispered, "if you expect the marriage to be today, we're going to have to leave this bed..." Kaname growled at her. Her laugh was cut short by the stab of hunger. She sighed before submitting to it.

'We'll deal with the wedding in a few minutes...'

'Meaning you'll get up in a few minutes.'

'You've got to move too.'

'I know. After all, it is me you're marrying. Even though I'm certain, Ruka would love to fill the spot...'

'But I don't want to marry her. I want to marry you. See you grow big with my child and share every experience with you...'

'Things that you've already experienced...' Yuki felt his irritation in his blood. He bit down harder instinctively. Yuki faltered in feeding at the pain. 'Easy tiger...'

'Yuki, your place is beside me. Forever. No matter the things I have experienced YOU are the one I want now. Can't you let go of the past?'

'I'm not holding onto it! I just...kind of wish I'd been you're first...'

'You are...technically. To this body at least. My mind still holding the memories and the way to touch a woman...' Yuki couldn't stop the blush that spread across her face.

'That wasn't what I meant...but good to know the sex's not going to suck...' Kaname retracted his fangs from her neck. One dark eyebrow was raised. Yuki pulled away from his neck with a laugh.

"You had doubts?" Yuki slipped from the bed without answering and slipped on her robe. "Yuki?" She cast a wink over her shoulder, before darting from the room and into her own where Ruka awaited for preparations.

Yuki eyed Ruka's tense demeanor and Aido's happy grin suspiciously. She stood in the hall. Aido walked toward her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Congrats...bride-to-be!" Aido teased before darting out of the bedroom and toward Kaname's door. Yuki glared at Kaname's door as it closed behind Aido.

'Cocky bastard...told everyone to be ready before I even knew!'

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