Chapter 16 - You're just like my father!

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I was 7 when my parents began to argue. I don't remember all of their fights however, I remember one particular night.

                                                                             ✻    16 years ago    ✻

I was laying in my bed. My mom had just snuggled me up, and I was feeling comfortable. On the other hand, I could tell my mom was worried. I knew it was because of my father. He hadn't come home yet.

I was used to not see my father that often. He worked a lot, plus after work, he used to hang out in a bar near our house, and he would drink a lot.

That day was no exception.

He arrived at 1 am. My mother was watching tv, waiting for him to come.

- Have you've been drinking? - she asks while turning the tv off.

- That's none of your business.

- It is my business! Especially when you come drunk and wake up Emily and the whole neighborhood.

-Shut up! - he growls. - You've always cared about what other people might say.

My eyes were closed, but I wasn't sleeping. I could listen to them fight in the living room. I rolled my body and, I got up from the bed. I took small steps to the door and leaned against the wall of the corridor to hear better.

- I just wanted you to be a husband and a father.

- I am! You just can't see that.

- Look at you! You can't even get out of work and come home to see your wife and your 7-year-old daughter. She misses her father.

- If I want to drink with my guys, I will. You're not going to stop me. - his voice begins to get higher.

- Shut up. Your daughter is sleeping.

- You can't tell me to shut up, bitch. -He yells and pushes my mom against the couch.

At this point, my heart was racing. I was scared of what my father could do to my mom. She stood lying on the couch with her hands on her face, crying.

- You're a monster. -she yells.-  I hate you!

- I could care less about what you say. - He shrugs and begins to walk towards my room, stumbling on the way. - Now, where's my lovely daughter?

- Don't you dare wake her up!

My mom gets up off the couch quickly and pushes him off, causing him to lose its balance and fall to the floor. Angry, my father gets up and runs in her direction, pushing her against the wall. He looks at her and closes his fist, ready to punch her. However, my mom dodges, and he hits the wall with his fist.

My father's fist starts to bleed.

I was speechless! I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help my mother, but I was scared of my father and what he could do to me.

I don't remember what happened next. The only thing I remember is that the following day, after school, my mom picked me up earlier, and we went home, packed our bags, and drove to my grandmother's house.

That night was the last time I've seen my father.

                                                                                     ✻  Present  ✻ 

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