Chapter 2 - Sorry, what?

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When I heard that sound on my window, I rushed to see what it could be. I end up looking at Brian, my boyfriend. 

I open the window quickly.

- Are you crazy? What are you doing here? - I whispered in a way that I knew he would listen to me.

- I am here to see you! You have not responded to any of my texts. Can I come up? - he begged.

- No, you cannot! My mom is asleep, and I cannot make any noise.

- Just for 5 minutes. – he begged and I sighed.

- Fine. – I said as I pushed the staircase, of my apartment, to him so he could climb.

As soon as he gets to the window of my room he looks around.

- Your packing. – he claims while looking at my suitcase and my messy room.

- Yes, I've told you I have an internship for my curse at the beginning of the month. – I said while cleaning my room a little bit.

- That is in two days! – he said, surprised while looking at me.

- Yes.

- How long are you going?

- Two months.

- Wow, that is too long, I think I am going to miss you. – he claims while wrapping his arms around my waist and staring into my eyes.

- I know, but it is going to be good for my curriculum. I just have to take pictures and film a group of boys while they have a tour in Korea. - I claimed and his expression immediately changed, and he moved away from me.

- I do not feel good about that. I mean, for two months you are going to hang out with guys in Korea! Are you also going to share a room with them? – he asks ironically.

- Please don't start! – I begged.

- I just don't like this idea. – he confessed.

- Brian, can you just forget that and be happy for me? After this, they might like me and write me a recommendation letter and I can get a decent job. – I announced.

- I know and I want that but what happened to take pictures of statues in Italy? – I took a deep breath and he turned around to stare at me.

Here we go, again.

- Brian, I think we need to talk. – I said while walking towards my bed and sitting down.

- Don't, please. – he said coming my way and sitting next to me.

- I just feel like we are very different, and we want different things. – I claimed– Plus, we constantly fight and we never get into an agreement. – I could feel he was getting angry.

- Sweetie...- my mother calls me while walking in the room. She looks at us. – Whatever you guys are discussing now it is not the time! It is almost 1 am and Brian should not be here!

- I am sorry Mrs. Williams! I was just leaving. – Brian gets up from my bed and walks out of my room without looking at me or saying goodbye. I stare at my mom while she looks at me disappointed.

Well, I think I broke up with Brian, at least it looked like a breakup, right? Well, I didn't want to focus on that now,  I was fine with my decision and I was ready for the trip. 

Two days go by so fast and I am suddenly in the airport saying goodbye to my mother. The airplane trip took 14 hours and I slept the whole time. I was really nervous and anxious; I mean I was going to a country that I didn't speak the language and I didn't even know anything about this group. 

As I arrived at the airport of Incheon I went downstairs and noticed a man holding a small sign with my name on it. He was dressed in a suit and tie and wore sunglasses on his forehead. I approach him and introduced myself, but the man did not say many words. Maybe he did not know how to speak English. He took me to the parking lot while carrying my bag and we entered the car so that he could take me to the building of Big Hit Entertainment. 

When we arrived, he opened the door for me, and I looked mesmerized at the building. It was so big and looked very fancy. When I stopped looking at the building a woman approached me.

- Hello, you must be Emily! – I nod with my head. – Nice to meet you, I am Min Jee, assistant of Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk the owner of Big Hit. – She said while smiling and shaking my hand.

Her English was very good, and she looked young like she was 30 years old. She was dressing in a white shirt in a black blazer and a knee-length skirt. Plus, she was very nice, and I immediately felt better and less nervous as I talked to her. We walked inside the building while she was explaining about the itinerary for tomorrow and she told me I was about to meet Bang Si-Hyuk, the CEO of Big Hit Entertainment. 

We stopped walking when we arrived at his office and she knocked on the door to announce my arrival. They exchange a few words in Korean and she told me I could go inside. His office was big and well arranged, I felt like I was about to meet the president of this country.

- Emily, please sit. – he said while smiling.. - I understand you had a long flight!

- Yes, but it was fine. – I smiled back while holding my hands closer.

- Well, I know you probably want to rest, so I will be brief. – he smiled again. – In the email, we send we explain your job here as a creator of content for BTS, so you can read it better when you get to the hotel. What I want to discuss here are some ground rules that we have in order to maintain everything in place. First, you will be handed a camera of your own so you can film. – he picked a small pen and started to play with it. – Second, you cannot use the pictures of videos for your use, only for BTS's pages, on Twitter, and their website, ok? – I nod my head listening closely to him. – And the last one, you cannot engage in a relationship with the members or any staff.

- Sorry, what? – I asked confused.

- Do you have any doubts about the last one? – he asked also confused.

- No, it is just...never mind.

I am sorry but I was shocked! What gives the right for this man to believe that I capable of having an affair with any of the members? I am a professional! I do not need that rule!

- It is nothing personal, it is just that BTS is becoming known worldwide and we do not need distractions from the members! – he claimed while picking a piece of sheet and sliding across the table in front of me. – I am going to give this contract for you to read carefully and then you can sign it and leave it here tomorrow. 

I picked the piece of sheet, we said our goodbyes and he accompanied me to the car that was waiting outside to take me to the hotel. In the car, I was feeling doubts. Was it a good idea to take this internship? Are these two months going to be worth it? 

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