2019- The Magazine

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By the end of 2019, John is a senior manager in his company. Sarah had built a reputed start up and was an online celebrity for the books she wrote in the last couple of years.

It was at the end of 2019, that John came across her picture in a magazine lying on his office couch. She was in all her glory, a successful entrepreneur, a famous novelist and poet. He turned the pages to see her family details, if she got married and sorts. No, no information of husband and kids. Maybe she is busy building her company and would have somebody already locked in from the corporate world for her marriage. He took that copy with him and showed his parents and sister.

"See! It was my close friend in college, my junior. She is successful now."

His dad asked
"Are you successful my son?"

"Yes Dad. I am. We have a home. We have enough for us. I am contented and I think I am whole."

"Are you happy John?"

"Yes Dad. I am"

"Are you really happy how your life turned out to be? Do you feel happy when you think of the things you missed these years?"

"I think so Dad. For me, my happiness is you, mom and Rebecca"

" Do u miss her?"

" But why do u ask me this Dad?"

" I have seen a picture of this girl in one of your suitcase. A picture of her with a trophy from your college."

"Dad I can explain"

" No need son, I can see it in your eyes."

" Dad can we please leave this discussion"

"Ok John"

John was deeply in love with Sarah but never told her about his feelings. He also felt a spark in her whenever they were together. But she seems happy and successful now. But when dad asked me if he was happy, suddenly Sarah came to his mind. Now he wonders "Is she really happy?"

 Now he wonders "Is she really happy?"

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