2014-Arts Fest, Day 1-2

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It was 2014 January, the same month last year he lost his love. Arts fest started around the same time. It was an exhibition of great talents. On the 1st day of Arts, John was assigned 3 events. It was literary events and John had a good taste for the same. In fact John used to write poems and short stories back in school days. Events he coordinated were Essay writing, Elocution and Extempore.

Event started by morning 9am. John prepared the participant lists, arranged the venue with all the necessary items such as pen, paper, mic etc. He handed over the list to judges and the chest numbers were written and kept ready on time. Participants started coming one by one. John didn't notice anyone specifically but saw his classmates and spoke to them, wished them luck. Results were announced the same day evening in the venue itself.

Students representing all houses were full with positivity and everyone seemed confident . John had noted a few juniors who were so silent and didn't interact with anyone. It was the 1st year students and this was the 1st time freshers are participating in Arts fest. The screening was done on the basis of their accomplishments and accolades in school. The judges called out chest numbers one by one. No names were called out but only the house names. But during results the participant names also will be announced.

Evening around 5.30pm, the house captains,  vice captains and other senior participants gathered in the event venue for the results. Events were conducted for English, Malayalam and Hindi, so a total of 27 winners. 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize carried 5,3 and 1 points respectively.
English Essay: 1st prize goes to Chest number 11 Sarah Mathews, 2nd prize Chest number 3 Saranya Mohan, 3rd prize Chest number 16 Ankith Kumar.
English Elocution: 1st Prize Sarah Mathews
English Extempore: 1st Prize Sarah Mathews
Malayalam Essay: 1st Prize Sarah Mathews
Malayalam Elocution: 2nd Prize Sarah Mathews
Malayalam Extempore: 1st Prize Sarah Mathews
Yeah some more prizes for Hindi as well.

The name repeated like a ringing in the hall and the house she represented was shouting in joy of success. John noted the name as everyone would guess, the name resembles Serah. It was as if she single handedly gave a lead on the Day 1 for her house. But she was nowhere near to celebrate this victory. She was a fresher and to avoid ragging issues all freshers were sent back to hostels or their parents collected them before 5.30pm.

Day 2, John asked for the same venue. He wanted to meet her. He already saw her in the crowd last day during the events and recognize the Chest number 11. He waited till all participants came to the hall. The chest numbers were different this time but since John is the coordinator, he assigned Chest number 11 to Sarah Mathews. The Vice Captain collected the Chest numbers and there she is on stage for JAM- Just A Minute. The event in which the participant has one minute to present a speech on a random topic. There she is Chest number 11 on stage. Sarah Mathews the lucky charm of their house, the pearl they found among 1st year students. A simple girl with a charming smile. Not so short and not so tall. Not so fat and not so slim. Not so white not so dark. She was just perfect. Her stage presence and her grace made some seniors already fall for her. There is a long crowd of seniors of all different houses who came to see this new talent of the college. And there he stood in one corner with a book and a pen writing down the proceedings of each event. John was unnoticed in the crowd but he remained active throughout the day.

Other events were poetry writing and recitation. Sarah was a total package. She participated in all events and bagged prizes too. She was a superstar already and an overnight celebrity. Lots of seniors went around congratulating her in between. John was in the venue throughout the day, likewise she was also there. There was no dialogue between the two but on the second day before everyone left, John approached Sarah and told " The results are pretty obvious, Congratulations Sarah". She replies "Thank you John".

Wait a moment, how she knew his name. John wondered. She walked away and John was sitting in a chair thinking if she had noticed him in this couple of day. It's even more surprising that she knew his name already. Maybe some judges might have called out his name in the venue asking for something and she noted it probably. As expected she got a couple of 1st prize, and a second prize for the rest. Her house was excelling in other arts events too. Almost they have the lead to bag the Cup this year.

 Almost they have the lead to bag the Cup this year

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